
Obama said he will cut programs in Washington that don't work?

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Which programs will he cut?




  1. I would guess all programs that fight poverty and drugs.

  2. How conveniently vague.

  3. I'd like to see him get rid of the whole Department of Education and return control of the schools to the states. One can always hope...

  4. You know, it's truly ironic that your name would be TruthSeeker and that you would say that Obama said this during his address to the National Democratic Convention on Thursday. You know, I find it truly funny because I watched that convention and I listened to his speech and maybe I missed it but I didn't hear him say that. lol That's probably why you can't give !*Summer's Mommy*! the proof she asks for.

    Let's not spread rumors and falsities for the sake of doing.

  5. I can't think of a single program that hasn't morphed into two more in any Democrat administration.  I seriously doubt that Obama would buck that trend.

  6. he wont cut any, he will throw more money at the programs that dont work

  7. I hope he eliminates ALL Corporate Welfare.

    Plus the "Faith-Based Initiative".  Churches should raise their own money and not pick my pocket.

  8. Basic eduation programs. Of course the NAACP will be up and running so only the blacks can afford to advance their education. He will get rid of any program that supports basic family rights, but will keep any that support g**s. He will get rid of all churches but keep the abortion clinics open 7 days a week. Basically if its something that benefits decent people its outta here, but if it benefits the ones who are out to destroy the US and send us straight to h**l, then he is all for them. Oh, and I am sure PETA and ACLU are safe too. Because Obama is a n**i B@$T@rD.

  9. Is he does will that put thousands out of work.  Seems like the government workers might be a bit out of sorts about that idea.

  10. If he truly meant that he would cut welfare.  We've spent trillions on the fight on poverty and its only exacerbated the problem.   But we know that's not what is on his agenda.  He is for more slave creation programs than any other liberal out there.  

  11. FEMA

    Bank Regulators

    Environment Protection

  12. liberals never cut programs, they merely create additional failing programs to supplement existing failing programs.

    Remember Midnight Basketball?

  13. Someone is pulling my leg here..... Cut Programs?  

  14. hopefully the one that's allowing people to tap your wire when you talk on the phone at home

  15. There goes about 3 million government jobs.   Somehow I don't that is one promise he will make good on.

  16. Education, Social Security, Medicare.

    But he'll expand the welfare and foodstamp programs.

  17. Yah right

  18. the thinks that are not that important  

  19. He's talking about programs that aren't being taxed, if he can't tax it, he doesn't want it

  20. I'll be able to answer this... as soon as you show me where he said that. Then again, maybe you too can use that brain that God gave you and do research instead of pointlessly asking questions just to stir up things.


    Actually since you asked, I'd rather you post it for me.... I mean you're telling us this might as well. Since it's on YouTube, and you know it's there, you watch it and then tell me which programs he's cutting. Go on now. Hurry along. I really want to see this.


    Nobody's hating. I just need to make sure in doing your homework that you didn't cheat and see it on CSPAN or read someone else's comment. And nobody is insulting you because believe me I can do a h**l of a lot better than that. I just want the proof. Can't I ask of that? I wanna believe you. But I'd rather see and hear for myself. I mean, let's face it... if you did your homework then you'd know which programs he's cutting now wouldn't you?

  21. Education.

  22. Funny. Since there are a lot of programs that don't work....

    This is such a vague question, I guess it's fair to answer by asking:

    Where would McCain cut spending? That is the only "change" he has ever mentioned between his economic policy versus Bush's.

  23. Every politician says that. Never happens. Never.

    Seriously, it won't happen. Even McCain said it's nearly impossible to do because every program has the support of at least one person in Congress. If you take a program away, that Congressman gets mad and won't sign your bill for orphans. McCain rightly argued that these programs need to be stopped before they're signed by the President, not after. Once they're written into the law, they never go away.

  24. We all can guess what he means when he makes statements like what programs he plans on cutting. He had a stadium of 85 thousand zombies listening to every word and Millions at home tuned in, and wouldnt even give one example.......if he explained himself, that would truely be change!

  25. Every politician says that and acts otherwise.  So he will cut none.

  26. None of them -- Democrats never cut any government programs.  They think all of them work.  


  27. It really doesn't matter what he "said". He said he was going to "recruit an army of teachers and pay them more", but he really won't have the power to do that, will he?

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