
Obama said he would talk to our enemies unconditional but refuses debating McCain at town hall meetings?

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Why does he do so well with a teleprompter but then again stumbles when order breakfast.




  1. He knows he has problems with off the cuff remarks.

    He won't talk to FOX news...aren't they the "enemy"?

  2. I wouldn't go on Fox News either! They lie and contort constantly!!  

  3. lol, that's the libs for you.  Their enemy is the Republicans, not the terrorists, not Iran -- their own fellow Americans.  It's a sad time for this country.

  4. No, I actually think you have that backwards.  McCain is the one setting all the preconditions and refusing to debate Obama at the town hall meetings.  As far as the teleprompter goes, I think McCain may need one to keep track of how many houses he owns.  It's quite possible that he may be in the early stages of Alzheimers.  

  5. Because John Mccain is only interested in character assassination and not demonstrating a serious attempt to discuss important issues.      

  6. He won't go on FOX either..

    How funny is that

  7. he actually said he would debate mccain anytime did you hear his speech?

  8. He can't think. The man needs to weeks in order to write out a hello to his kids

  9. I agree, and disagree. Yeah there are things wrong with Liberals and there are thing wrong with Republicans. I say throw away our whole elective system. I agree with Barrack Hussein Obama, we do need change. However, the whole country needs a make over. We are soon becoming a second world country, our dollar is super inflated we are dependant on foreign raw oil; we import more than we export. Honestly, made in America means nothing anymore. What we need is a powerful person in office. A military oriented Commander in Chief. I agree this war needs to end NOW! As Americans we should not retreat. We need to stay and fight, but fight with out having our hand tied by all these extremist liberal groups. they have been linked to terrorist groups. We have been crippled. We are prosecuting our Marines for doing their jobs. They should be commended. Kill as many terrorist as needed to end this war. We can't find Osama. USA has so many bombs. Drop bomb on all know cave and mountains, everything. Hey we are fronting billions of dollars for rebuilding that country anyways. What is a few more billion? I digress. Point being, I again want to be proud to be an AMERICAN. Right now I feel ashamed what our country has become trash our elective system trash major campaigning. Lest shorten that to a couple months before elections. They receive that money to campaign from somewhere, that’s a lot of favors to return. We are killing our own country. So let’s vote and let use a popular vote to elect our president. Take the power of the government and return that power to the people. The way a Democracy should be.

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