
Obama says McCain has voted with President Bush 90% of the time.?

by  |  earlier

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Obama continues to make the statement that McCain has voted with President Bush 90% of the time, and I can reasonably believe that statement is true. His statement begs the following question; Excluding Obama voting 'Present', has he even voted 90 times, for anything?

Before it starts, yes I realize that there is a difference between 90% and 90 times. My point is does Obama even have a voting record to use as a comparison?




  1. Obama is transparently opposing the Bush War and the Bush policies. You are dumb.

  2. If you're curious about Obama's voting record, look it up.  Below's a link.

  3. he voted present to get out of voting, and he has been running in his first and only term

  4. Yes, my understanding is that, in comparison, Obama has voted with Bush 35-40% of the time.  There is a question like this on Answers where someone had a great link.

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