
Obama says a nuclear Iran poses 'grave threat' to the world?

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Is he just NOW figuring this out?




  1. His supporters will still deny it though, just like they continue to deny the success of the troop surge in Iraq.

  2. Yes, just another change of position of hundreds. Here is a link for you Morbius, I'll show you. Perhaps if you listened to the radio more, you wouldn't be so uninformed.

  3. Show me where he ever said otherwise.  He never did, despite what the mouths on rightie radio have been telling you.

  4. our world is a horrible place

  5. Well, despite being Harvard Educated and extremely bright,  he's been busy for two years beating Hillary and going to church with Reverend Wright while protecting his testicles from "Reverend" Jackson.  That he caught on only about 28 years after the rest of the world isn't so bad.

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