
Obama says he has more experience to be President cause he ran a campaign, you agree?

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or are you laughing?

This gets better and better. While libs focus on Sarah Palins Daughter...their Fearless touting his Campaign experience...





  1. I saw that.  Too funny.  "I'm the most qualified to be president because I'm campaigning to be president."  Apparently Obama's campaign has forgotten that Palin is  the VP nominee - McCain is the one BHO is actually running against.  His qualifications for president far outweigh BHOs.

    EDIT: Batik, why don't you compare Obama's experience to McCain's?  But, for the record, Palin's "thin" resume includes governing a state with about 24,000 employees and a $12 billion annual budget, as well as heading the Oil and Natural Gas Commission, which included negotiating foreign contracts.  And Obama was a "community organizer."  Wowee.

  2. Here are Obama's qualification.  Education, both political science and a degree in Constitutional law from Harvard University as well as being editor of the the Harvard Law Review.  He has also taught Consitutional Law at the University of Chicago,  worked in a law firm and served in the Illinois Senate.  Elected to the US Senate. So his experience is substantial and varied  He has also worked on the South side of Chicago.  So he has packed a lot of experience that is both practical and relevant.  He has also written two books both best sellers. One that is a outline of political views and issues called the

    Audacity of Hope.

    Oh he also was a community organizer in a major American City  Chicago. in his spare time.

    Palin has a very thin one year resume as Governor.  Before that as Mayor of a tiny town and she has not had any experience that makes her equipped to be President of the Senate or to really understand the difference between the complex problems cities face vs rural areas.

    All of Alaska has a smaller population than the City I live in.  Our mayor is required to handle the needs of 1.5 million in a much smaller space and work with other cities that are growing just as fast.    I think very highly of some of his skills and know him.  I do not think he is ready to be VP of the US but he is about 5 times as experienced as Palin.

    So if you want to keep this cheerleading rather than really getting serious about the Country go for it.  But it does not seem very solid or substantial to me. lol.  

  3. Well, first he is most likely not running the campaign....someone else on the staff is taking care of everything.....he is the candidate, but does not handle the money or the scheduling.....

  4. Look how much George Bush Jr. had experience, and look where we at now at this moment and then McCain backin him up from the get-go...don't matter, someone needs to help our economy and bring us back before George Jr. got re-elected!

  5. almost as much as I laugh when they say 'executive experience' for Palin

    when the majority of her resume is PTA, City Council & Mayor..of a town of less than 10,000.  

    My town is bigger than that and blooming morons run it

  6. So let me get this straight. Obama is concentrating on how much more experience he has over a vp candidate, than his opposition for pres?

  7. LMAO, Yeah. I really thought you were joking.

  8. Hilarious!  I'm almost speechless.. hahahaha!  

    Yea I guess that gives him one upmanship over the McPalin ticket.

    What a loser.

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