
Obama says if we properly inflate our tires we can save as much on gas as if they drilled offshore...

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Why not do BOTH??!!

Isn't Obama full of hot air with an inflated head to prove it?? I think his head is too big for even Mt. Rushmore, ego-wise.

Obama says if we properly inflate our tires we can save as much on gas as if they drilled offshore...Why not do BOTH!??




  1. I hate to defend Obama, but he has a point. Why drill offshore, when it isn't absolutely nessicary?

  2. s***w you all, i'm movin to Canada

  3. who cares what Obama says, he is a Moron.

  4. The more completely ridiculous excrement that guy spews.....

  5. b/c 1st of all properly inflating our tires will NOT save that much of gas maybe 1/4th less but thats it

    2ndly drilling offshore will DESTROY the ecosystem and y cant ppl just drive less and/or carpool and /or get more energy efficent cars.

    i personally would not vote for Obama but @ least he is trying to come up w/new ideas to become more energy efficient instead of coming onto Yahoo Answers and complaining.

  6. that must be what he does to his head. Inflates it with air.

  7. I don't like Obama so this has nothing to do with it.  But the truth is they currently have 14000.. that is 14 thousand... current places in the gulf of Mexico they could currently drill and they don't do it.  It is senseless to give away more land to the oil companies when they aren't using what they have.  Make them drill where they can drill in what they have first before they get more.  Plus, even if we gave them what they wanted, we wouldn't get one drop of oil out of it for ten years and that is too late.  Offshore drilling is not the answer.

  8. Obama is worse than Al Gore. Inflate your tires . . . .HAhahahahahahahaha. I can tell he went to Harvard!

  9. You sure those words of wisdom came out of his mouth and not his @-rse.

  10. hahahaha

    "Isn't Obama full of hot air with an inflated head to prove it?? I think his head is too big for even Mt. Rushmore, ego-wise."


    And I agree with you, he's full of it.  

  11. no one likes Obama... they only THINK they do!

    p.s. I think hes the Antichrist  

  12. Who cares, Mccain is going to win anyways (Im not saying I like the idea but its probably going to happen)

    Especially the internet which is in favor of Mccain, its true, search web and people will say they prefer Mccain

    even here, people saying something in favor of Obama will get a bunch of thumbs down

  13. If you believe that, I have a bridge you might be interested in buying.

  14. Just another bit of garbage spewing from his uninformed, inexperienced head.

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