
Obama says this, and wants to lead us?

by Guest63431  |  earlier

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'I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby.'

So...what moral will he be teaching them when he says, "It's okay to kill that baby, it was only a mistake, after all" But for the grace of God we are all here to discuss this, many are not. How can this guy, or anyone look at their own kids, and think this is okay??




  1. Even if he won, he could never lead.He would encourage his own children to kill his grandchild, barbarian.

  2. What he's really saying is:  "Don't sweat it, there will never be any consequences for your actions."

  3. Shameful, shameful, that is all there is to it.

  4. Big fat lie.  Try again.

  5. I heard him say that, and think it was just awful.   But what do you expect?

  6. Using religion as an argument makes your case irrelevant.

    Want to argue why oranges are better than apples too?

  7. I wonder if his daughters feel like they were a punishment. I think his daughters are lovely, but I think any kid would get a complex about hearing that. I say love the babies, they are a huge blessing!!! Vote McCain 08

  8. I agree

  9. makes ya feel warm all over...

  10. He also doesn't believe in the death penalty, but believes in killing innocent babies that never had a chance to live, rather than killing people who possibly deserved it. What a r****d. Vote Mccain.

    Who the h**l thumbed me down?

    Stupid obama/pro-choicers i assume.

  11. If a man would readily take to murderous DICTATORS with NO PRECONDITION to the expense of American values, honor and integrity, what could you expect from the inexperience questionable citizen of America BHO? He will wash the blood of his guest dictators right in the White House.  

  12. I second that.. where is the youtube video or a quote we can go by?

  13. Link please.

    EDIT: Um...thumbs down for asking for verification???? You have to be kidding me. So much for the truth, lets all just blindly go along with whatever Karl Rove says....sheesh, what a bunch of morons.

  14. The word moral has many definitions and can be argued by any point. So using this word doesn't mean anything when it comes to what he and other people believe in. If it is his daughters choices to do as they please with their bodies if something like that happens, it's their choice. It's time for people to be open minded about a women's right to chose what is right for them and their own bodies.

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