
Obama seems like the best joice to lead the country. however, is he viable given that he's 50% black?

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choice, not joice.




  1. Get off the Race B.S. There are many black persons who are well qualified to be President. My favorite is Gen Colin Powell and he has more experience than all the candidates put together.  He has the education, the leadership qualities, foreign policy experience, military experience and political experience.  So, what else do you need?  Oh, by the way, I'm white and Southern!!

  2. your wrong that hes the best choice thats for sure.

  3. Obama would not be hired to be a CEO in America because  of his lack of experience!!!! in the h**l then is he qualified for the biggest CEO job in the USA...??

    I would lie to know people>..! think!

    McCain, the only choice!

  4. Let me check the Constitution. Uh-huh. Hmmm. That's interesting. It doesn't say anywhere that the President has to be a white guy. So I'd say he's viable.

  5. Come on.  It does not say or state anywhere that this county, needs to be run by a white man. It can't get no worse, than George W. Bush.

  6. Of course he's viable.

    Obama has lead in every single poll taken since mid-April (thats 30 polls) and is leading in every single swing state except Florida.

  7. You're wrong on at least one thing.

  8. Black people only know how to use the race card and it's sick!! Obama sucks because he is not the man to run this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. What difference does that make?

    Are "50% black" people excluded from certain jobs in the US then?

    How does that work? What's the reasoning?

    I'll look out for your additional details.

  10. Obama is not a leader and he is a dangerous option. He pulled out of public finance funding because he is getting overseas cash, and

    Obama is an anti-American socialist with a racist past and no qualifying experience.

    The guy who let his kids attend “That” church.

    A guy who said Rev. Wright inspired him and was his mentor.

    The person who stood on a podium and was the only one who did NOT salute the flag.

    A guy who says the working class clings to guns and religion.

    The person who wants us to stop eating so well and stop using our air conditioners.

    The one who has been in Washington 3 years and spent most of that time campaigning.

    And Obama was the one who said he wished the rise in gas prices would have been more “Gradual”.

  11. No, I do not want a thinking marxist in the White House!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I'll have to give you this one. Hussein is the best joice, which has no meaning like his candidacy has no policies.

  13. Can you spell RACIST ???

    And your still wrong on that "Best Choice" part.

  14. He is not only black, he is a Muslim, in his summer holidays, as a kid, he went to Mecca and stoned Christians.

    He deals drugs to primary school kids, and cheats at golf.

    He also knows when it is appropriate to use the word "viable", and when its usage demonstrates a certain lack of sophisticated intelligence.

  15. First of all stop thinking about his skin color and think about what he stands on the issues.

    Bush was white, and he did the whole gad d**n country wrong, so does it really matter that he is 50% black anymore?

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