
Obama stated that Americans shouldn't worry about Mexicans learning English, but that Americans should learn

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Spanish....What do you think?

P.S. Don't assume that I'm an Obama hater, I'm sort of on the fence. Sort of like the personality that he seems to show, just a bit disturbed about this statement.




  1. I think Obama is full of it and he obviously cares nothing for this country or it's citizens. This country was founded on English and anyone wishing to be here should have enough respect to learn the language.

  2. Obama no comprende!

  3. I just keep getting the impression that he hates us Americans, and you know what?  I AM an Obama hater because he's worked so hard to make me feel that way about his flip-flopping panderding phony butt.

  4. Bad idea. There is a loss of productivity for nations that have multiple languages. That is why China and other countries try to reduce the number of languages.

    Multiple languages also costs the government more money. Items have to be printed in multiple language and people fluent in other languages have to hired for government jobs. In many cases, the only people who are fluent are foreigners and that reduces  jobs for Americans.

  5. Obama is pandering for Hispanic votes. I understand he needs to reach out to all groups. But he has to realize, if you promise special treatment for one group, you will just alienate the other groups.

    Politicians would be smart if they courted the vote of Americans instead of seeing everyone as a special interest group.

    Divided we will stay, until hyphenated group names disappear and we all become just plain Americans.

  6. Do you have a link to where he said that about Mexicans? Everything I've heard from him indicates that immigrants should have to learn our language. I've watched several speeches where he has said those exact words. As for learing other languages never hurts to be educated and if you are visiting a country with a foreign language, you should be able to communicate somewhat.

  7. I think Obama is a Leftist Loon.

  8. Well, the last time I looked, English IS the national language and if you come here, you should speak it. I feel that I should not have to learn another language. I could as a courtesy. If every immigrant requested that everybody should learn their language, then I would have learn Spanish, many different dialects, German, many different dialects, Polish, Italian, Greek, Russian, Bedouin, African, countless, French, no thanks, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Lao, Tao, etc... And while I'm on my soapbox, don't tell me I should change the National Anthem or Pledge of Allegegience to also be recited in Spanish or remove In God We Trust from anything. That would really irritate me.

  9. I missed this one.  Does McCain even need to campaign this summer???? Obama - the gift that keeps on giving to the Republicans.

    Answer:  It is absurd to inform Americans that it is their duty to learn another language due to the illegal influx of Mexicans.  Ridiculous.

  10. I'm guess I'm lucky, I don't deal with lazy or uneducated people very often so I don't have to deal with people that don't speak English. The people I get to deal with are hard working educated English speakers so I could care less what Obama says since I'm not voting for him anyway.

  11. Its getting better and better ...oh my god !

    He is such an hypocrite. The Mexicans have to speak English because they come to the USA (invited or uninvited). If Americans (or every other Nation ) goes to live in Mexico , I'm sure they gonna learn Spanish .I'm from Germany , living in the USA and  I don't expect anyone to speak German , so what's the deal ?


    the European economy is not good at all. Look a the unemployment rate,the tax rate, the gas prices (1 Liter almost 2 € = $ 3,30.Makes around  12 $ for 1 Gallon (unleaded ) !!!!!    And it is not true that every European speaks 3 languages . Some better educated might speak two , some even three but that's a minority. .

    And the  ppl from swiss (French /German) and  the Netherlands (Dutch /English)  because that's their languages.

  12. In a speech to LULAC, he also said: "Back in 2006, we had a saying: 'Today, we march.

              Tomorrow, we vote.' Well, that was the time to march. And

              now comes the time to vote."

    He'll say anything for a vote and he won't care if he sells our country down the shoot while doing it.

    We should insist that English become our National Language.

  13. Of course, his blind followers will twist and turn to defend the statement.

    But what do you expect from a candidate that wants to give all kinds of rights to illegal  aliens?

  14. Is this really what it comes down to just to get Mexicans to vote for you. Wow.

  15. When Obama says something good about the American people, wake me up.

  16. yes I saw that today. Since it's completely ridiculous to think that Americans should have to learn spanish to be able to communicant with someone who resides and lives on U.S. soil, I take it he's just pandering for the Hispanic vote. That's the only excuse for such a lame statement. pathetic.

  17. Learning another language is a great idea. And contrary to the guy above, check Europe. Their economy is fantastic right now US$1.55 for 1 Euro, people's standard of living is way better than here and most Europeans speak three languages at least if not more. So I have to agree that learning another language is indeed a very good idea (it doesn't have to be Spanish necessarily, but it is a good idea).

  18. I think he was using Spanish as a example or coz Mexico is land connected. America is falling behind other countries educationally. Reports show those who speak more then 1 language have higher IQ's. Every other country the people know at least 2 languages.

  19. yulll BBBB sooooorrryyy.

  20. I saw that clip, and I feel it was the most disgusting statement a politician that is suppose to be an American could have made. Did you notice, there was not alot of applause after he said that! And when he said he was embarrassed for us when we go overseas, Europe is mostly an English speaking continent. Any American who votes for this d***head is really voting against everything that America stands for!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Please don't take a quote out of context.  Obama was using Spanish as an example to say that we should encourage our children to learn other languages like the rest of the world teaching their children English.  And Spanish would be a great start since it is becoming as prevalent a world language as English is.  People complain about all the Mexican immigrants coming into the country recently, but the most successful position in uneducated service industries now are the positions that can tell these unskilled laborers what to do effectively.

  22. The phrase for the day is

    " Pandering for the hispanic vote"

  23. We really..   REALLY need a write in Candidate.

    I suggest Lou Dobbs!


    He assured us the Latinos would learn English, and that Americans should learn Spanish.. just in case.  Oh  yeah we should.

    Civic Report November 2001High School Graduation Rates in the United States

    Half the kids who are African American are dropping out.  Half the kids who are latino are dropping out.  One fourth the kids who are European Americans are dropping out.

    Obama needs to jam it and find ways to keep the kids in school until they get the High School Degree, and then two years of Community College.  Oh no.. he wants us all to speak Spanish.  If he had to do it first... heh heh heh... we wouldn't have to bother.  But we should NOT have to bother anyway.  I want a President who sticks up for me.. not the folks who only speak Spanish.  

    We really, really need Lou Dobbs for a write in Canidate.

  24. Knowing two languages is smarter than just knowing one. I don't think he intended that it be legislated, so much as he was stating that it's a good idea.

    I know, I know, it's hard to face the idea that you may need to learn something, when you've been under the impression that you already know everything. Let it sink in a while.

    It's Natural Selection, folks. Learn and adapt, or die off.

  25. and he wonders why people question his patriotism

  26. You should be VERY disturbed!!!obama is dangerous.A vote for him is a vote for insanity!!!!

  27. I did not know he stated that.   But I will make it a point to learn how to say "plane crash" in Spanish.

  28. He is crazy if he thinks we should accomodate them! They want to come to America they should learn English. Now I'm certainly not voting for him!!

  29. Who ever said America is falling behind educationally compared to other countries obviously doesn't realize its because of the overcrowding of illegals in this country.  I should know, I live here on the west coast!  Obviously we don't have enough teachers to spend more time with each student, its overcrowded, lack of teachers, books and supplies due to overcrowding.  Which in turn results in having to teach at a much slower pace for those students who can't really speak English, which makes it harder for them to understand what is being taught, which in turn results in lowering the standards.  So that in actuality is slowing down those students who do speak English from progressing onto the next subject.  And by doing that, the curriculum that's suppose to be taught by the teacher very rarely gets fulfilled by the end of the school year.

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