
Obama support increasing from Palin???

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Check this out, Obama hits 50% - 8 point lead. Can anyone explain this considering the cons touting that the Palin pick would rally the base and undecideds?




  1. WE don't like the thought of a woman president or even vice president. It doesn't sit well with our consicious.

  2. Oh gallup. Not the most accurate polling institution

  3. "national registered" voters poll means nothing; what you want is the poll of likely voters which has them dead even...even after the Obama speech....

  4. maybe u didnt see the front page of yahoo today. obama bounce less than expected.  

  5. i just saw on CNN it was a 7 point lead

  6. Probably not from Palin.  Its his post convention boost.  Palin's revelations are keeping the focus off the GOP messages.

  7. Just do not have a clue do you.

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