
Obama supporters, would you still vote for Obama if you found out he was a Muslim?

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Because if you didn't, that would seem prejudiced don't ya think?




  1. That has nothing to do with running this Country ,and yes i would .People like you still want racism to rule.Well wake up with Mccain its over you and he have lost

  2. I wouldn't vote for him if he was president of the southern baptist convention.

  3. WHY should that matter?

  4. Yes i would because I like what he stands for and what PLANS  he have for the country. i don't judge him by his faith but by the content of his character.

  5. This argument got stale like a year ago

  6. Of course I would, in fact I am more put off by McCain's Faith than Obama's. I know he is not a muslim, still I would rather vote for a Muslim than for someone who interprets the words of Christ like McCain. How can a Christian be pro-war, anti-g*y, and anti-environment?

    Policy not personality.

  7. Yes, I would still vote for Obama if he were Muslim.

  8. Have faith in Jesus and vote Obama.

    Obama loves America

    Obama is a humble Christian man.

    Southern Whites will rally behind Obama.

    Barack Obama is going to carry every state in the South including good old West Virginia.

    Southern Whites for Obama.

    Obama 08

    God Bless America

  9. Absolutely NOT! There are some sexist undertones in that religion. It would be the first time I actually voted for a Republican.

  10. Yes, do you think most McCain supporters would answer yes to the same question?

  11. Apparently if you drink the Obama Kool Aid, he can do no wrong

  12. Yeah, I'd still vote for him.  I'm in support of his values and policies and plans.  Religion has naught to do with it.

  13. YES i would vote for him

  14. Yes.

  15. yes  

  16. yup. the only ppl who wouldnt are ppl who arent gunna vote for him anwayz cuz hes black.

  17. Yes, I beleive in religious freedom. There is a big difference between being Muslim and being a islamic extremist. Remember the KKK claims to be a christian organization but we vote for christians every year because all christians are not KKK extremist the same is true of the Muslim faith. It would be more likely that I may differ from him in terms of womens rights if he was a practicing Muslim which would also be true for a KKK christian.

  18. Yes I would cause we have two Muslim's in congress right now.  One voted in about six months ago and it was in a Red state

  19. Why not ?>History proves that being a Christian does not necessarily make one a good president  

  20. Yeah, why wouldn't I?

  21. Yes, but he's not - so it's a non-issue.

  22. Hes not a Muslim. And even if he claimed to be, he'd just be MUSLIM by name not conviction..

    a true Muslim wouldnt run for president in a democracy. A true MUSLIM would not allow abortion, homosexuality, adultery, and unlawful decrees to be passed.

    You cant be a true Muslim and be a president of America. Obama is a fraud. He will be nothing more than  Zionist Puppet, along with Mccaine. It's all charades run by the illuminati. (The foreign zionist bankers behind the scenes like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers)

  23. You can't "find out" what someone believes.  He's said he's a christian, he's done nothing for me to question that.  I could care less if he's muslim or christian or buddhist, etc.

    I'm voting for his policies, his judgment and his ability to mobilize others to get things done.  The rest is wedge issues and garbage I could care less about.

  24. He is a Muslim but they will never admit it and neither will he.

    He must be ashamed of his religion.

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