
Obama supporters: Aren't you relieved by McSame's VP choice?

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For me, it's better than I could have dreamed. SNL is going to have a heyday with this one!




  1. As a Democrat, I'm thrilled.  As an American, I'm scared.

  2. SNL ratings have dwindled. Who cares what they think? They aren't even funny anymore.

    Go McCain/Palin 2008!

  3. Relieved? Their panties are now in a bunch because Obama is going to lose.

  4. Obama supporters: Aren't you glad that your candidate has the same amount of experience as Sarah Palin?

  5. Yes, I must say that I am!

  6. He basically gave away the presidency to the democrats.

  7. McCain put the final nail in his own coffin.

  8. I'm just glad it wasn't Romney, on the slim chance McCain actually wins. The Mittster either lied to the people of MA to get elected Gov. or else he was lying to the country when he ran for Pres. Either way, he's a liar and an opportunist.

    Palin's choice shows he'll do anything to get elected. Sound familiar? If she wasn't a woman, she would never have been considered. Considering his age and history of cancer, his choice shows a lack of respect for the country.

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