
Obama supporters I would LOVE your input on this video?

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  1. that was nice of you to post.... are we, as adults, really so childish whereas we post things just to get a rise out of people. Instead of focusing on things that matter, we're focused on this. We let a republican run this country for 8 years *he cheated to get 4 of them* and this is what we get... stupidity, ignorance, and people like yourself who fall under both.

    Oh yeah, what's your question? This, is what you call a pointless ploy... not a question. Oh and I didn't watch it. Don't care too. For all I know it could be a virus.

  2. I am offended by this video.  Why are you so focused on Obama's full name.  Does a little cultural diversity truely scare you that much.  You are probably are the type of person who points to one minority person you talked to in passing and say your not a racist.  I would say go back into that hole that you crawled out of but there are unfortunately too many other racist holes.  I just hope Americans have the courage to tune people like you out.

  3. The video shows that if obama can find enough speeches to plagiarize.. then he can talk.

    He is a know nothing and it is evident.

  4. The narrator is biased, that's what, you immature little girl.

    There are 100s of videos that show McCain sucks.

    Care to see one?

  5. Ridiculous rehashed neocon propaganda.

  6. Fear is the first word that comes to my mind about this video.  Why must you keep using his middle name? Another point I found funny in this video is they try to imply that he is Muslim or at least with the extremist yet at the same time he is Liberal.  What does Islamic extremist and Liberals have in common?  Liberals are about keeping religion and government separate, women's rights, equal rights, rights of the individual.  Right wing Islamic Extremist have nothing in common with liberals.   The comparions should be between the Christian right and Islamic fundamentalist not Liberals.

  7. I've seen it, it's c**p.

    The reason you guys are losing is because you're spending all your time making videos in your mom's basement while Obama's supporters are busy knocking on doors, making phone calls, donating money, and registering voters. This election will be decided by who has the best organization and can turn out the most voters on election day, not by who can make the most misleading videos.

    Next question....

  8. That's what I'm talking about.

    Anybody American that pulls the lever for him is putting a noose around their own neck. That goes double for white people who he holds real contempt for.

    What part of Wright's sermon wasn't racist.

    Black Theology does not bode well for white people so what would compel someone to put on a blindfold to what this guy is about.

    Good job Sandy K.

    Maybe you might open someones eyes. God knows there are plenty of knuckleheads out there without a clue.

  9. It is unfortunate that the best qualified people to be president WON'T be nominated.  It is well known that Obama won't salute the flag or pledge allegiance.  It is inexcusable that his pastor would call for God to d**n America.  I would much rather have seen Mitt Romney nominated, but we can't have everything.  As for the racist comments, those individuals should look in the mirror.  They bring to mind the pot and kettle proverb.

  10. The film is based on persuasion rather than logic. It doesn't convince me with the rampant fear mongering. It's equivalent to 9/11 conspiracy theory videos where the footage is based on cut and paste speeches and a high emphasis on persuasion rather than facts.

  11. Interesting stuff.

    Kind of sad, we don't talk about issues anymore in elections,, You know what the candidates plan to do once elected,, instead we just talk about their personal lives and whether or not they prefer cats or dogs for house pets.

    He's probably going to be president. But don't worry. All that stuff and more could be true and the system of checks and balances would keep him wrapped up in red tape for four years.  

  12. Wow, very well done!

  13. Okay. What do yo say to this?

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