
Obama supporters: If Obama is not elected President in November, what will the reason(s) be?

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  1. Simple election loss.  Im not sure what other reason there would be considering his following.  

  2. I don't know.  We will have to wait and see what happens.

    I am hoping it won't be for the reasons Bush got elected.

    1. Fraud and election theft

    2. fear and smear Karl Rove tactics

    3. Diebold and Ken Blackwell in Ohio

    I am thinking maybe he'll win.

    I see no difference between Bush and McCain. With McCain we will have the same kind of president we have had these past 8 years.  

  3. No need to worry about it my dear- it will never happen.

  4. It would be because of the voters who were star struck with Palin.

  5. That Obama did not take advantage of the very clear opening that McCain left him with his picking Sarah Palin as his VP choice.

    Because if we are to go by McCain's very own words, judgement does not matter without experience.  If this is true, then Palin is severely underqualified, and McCain's experience led him to the wrong choice.  

    If he is willing to back off that statement and accept that judgement matters even without experience, then Sarah Palin becomes an acceptable choice and even a commendable choice; because she has shown rather good judgement.

    However, once McCain accepts that judgement is the equal of experience, new problems begin to arise for him.

    Specifically, if judgement matters then why did McCain support Bush 95% of the time?

    Bush is at least as bad for Conservatives as he is for Liberals.  He spends like crazy, is in the pocket of Big Business (at the expense of the Middle Class and Small Business), is a warmonger (but has no war sense), and has expanded government to levels never before seen (even under Clinton and Carter).

    So even Conservatives should be ticked off at Bush, and ticked off at McCain for supporting Bush so much.

    So the only way to show that Palin is good enough is to accept that judgement matters, and at that time McCain becomes the worthless one.

    And McCain's own medical records and family history (mother is 95 and looks quite healthy) suggest that he can, in fact, make it at least 4 years and probably 8 years.  Which means that Palin's judgement then becomes irrelevant because she most likely won't have a chance to showcase that judgement (McCain will live long enough to try to finish the term himself).

    Basically proving that McCain made the right choice is proving that he cannot make the right choice.  Rather ironic, isn't it?

    But back to your question, with such a clear avenue of attack its hard to imagine that Obama can lose this one.

    Throw in the fact that, while the popular vote is very close Obama is crushing McCain in the electoral college, and its hard to imagine Obama losing this one.

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