
Obama supporters did you get a little emotional today when Obama....?

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recieved the nomination today?

As a black woman living in AmericaI would have never thought I would see this day

I cant help but think about all the people who sacrificed so much (black and White) so that we could have this day.I also think about my 75 year old father who died last year> he grew up in the deep south. and can t imagine what he went through.I just wish he was here to see this.What does Obama winning the nomination make you think




  1. Not emotional...but it truly was a remarkable scene and a great day for history!

    America should be very proud!  

  2. The color of his skin means nothing to me. I won't vote for him because he's too liberal. If Michael Steele were running and got the nomination, I'd gladly vote for him...and his skin is even darker than Obama's.

  3. Another idiot who gets emotional because the President might be black. Jesus Christ how about you spend a little time doing some research to understand what he even stands for. Sadly I bet being black is enough for you...

  4. I think that he and Hillary, together, have given every child in America, the gift of hope.

    No longer can anyone say to a little girl, "you'll never be President, your a girl".

    Never again does a black child have to hear, "you can't run for that office, because you are black."

    I am proud of them both and I hold the utmost respect for Hillary.

    I am not voting for Obama because he is bi-racial. I am voting for him because I can't take another 4 years of the heck we are going through today. I am a grandmother who is raising two grandchildren, one of whom is handicapped. I will vote for the person I believe will be best for her future.

    Let the "thumbs down" fly.

  5. let the best

    most qualified candidate Win

  6. Absolutely a proud day for America!

  7. it made me think less people should vote with their heart and actually vote with common sense. Yes he is a great orator with the help of teleprompters but he is too inexperienced to be a leader. Democrats have just put our nation in grave danger for the sake of sentimentality

  8. yeah. I smoked crack in his honor.



  10. Obamaa is the best

    nobdy likes McCain :)

  11. As a woman living in America black or white you should be sad that a woman still kind get a break, If John McCain was to pick Condoleezza Rice is he's running mate what side of the fence would you be sating on now?

    I don't care about the color of anyone skin I just want to know if this person going to stay out of my pockets when the start talking about change. Change = more taxes and more taxes = less in my pay check.

  12. Makes me think your supporting McCain.  

  13. I almost puked watching those fools crying. I cant believe a POS like Obama got this far.

  14. I do truly believe that today is a milestone in the history of this country. That we have come that far as a society.

    All that said, I will NOT vote for him because of his color. I will NOT vote for him for the ideology I disagree with and his questionable character and proven inexperience.

    As far as the the historical significance and what it means, can we finally tell Sharpton and Jackson to get a real job instead of creating a race industry.

  15. It was a proud proud day in American history.

  16. As a conservative and not an Obama supporter, I'm glad to see the day that we as a nation have overcome so many obstacles and I too would be proud if I were a person of color and I am proud that a Hillary got as far as she did, since I'm a female.

    I look forward to the day that the Republican party also places and backs candidates of color and a different gender into the Presidential race!  

    Bravo for you, even though I won't be voting for him!  :)

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