
Obama supporters have the nerve to question Palin's experience?

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I mean really, do we need to go there?




  1. Yeah, funny isn't it?

  2. I don't think it's that...I think it's the fact that McCain has criticized Obama's experience repeatedly and now his running mate is someone with even less experience. It just makes it seem like he's playing the minority card to shake things up for his campaign.

  3. They somehow think that pressing a yes or no button is more experience than running an entire state government.

  4. She is younger and less experienced than the first-term Illinois senator, and brings an ethical shadow to the ticket. Just 20 months ago, she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 6,500 where the biggest issue is controlling growth and the biggest civic worry is whether there will be enough snow for the Iditarod dog-mushing race.

  5. I agree.  When it comes to experience, Obama comes in dead last.  His supporters aren't that bright.

  6. Amen.

    At least if something happens to McCain a VP would be selected to balance any weakness that Palin may have.

    Dems inexperience is on top of the ticket.

  7. Well, Obama, a Harvard Law Review President was a two-term State Senator and now a U.S Senator. Very smart and thoughtful. He has worked extensively in Civil rights organization in Chicago and is very popular worldwide. Sorry, but it was the McCain campaign who started the experience factor so no DOUBLE STANDARDS here. Let us all be honest, McCain just bombshell his campaign....he insanely blew it!

  8. yeah she has less experience then obama by at least 4 years

    and eveyone was bashing him for not having experience... so duh....stupid we are stooping to your level even tho we shouldn't, cuz we are better then that under handed c**p...

    i say they are about even...

    Biden and McCain have about the same experience...

    and Obama and Palin have about the same amount of experience...

    so i say it's even..

    well almost...

    the only reason McCain picked her was cuz she is a women and he wants the votes of the undecided women... shifty move...

  9. Nah, as a beauty contestant, we know to to associate as a "celebrity"

    I think the hypocrisy of McCain's campaign is hilarious.

    Good luck in November

  10. How true!  I'm smelling hatred and fear with our Y!A liberals today.  Wonder why.............

  11. Little kid games.  This is exactly the same stuff we did in 1st grade and the worst part is how Americans believe all this c**p. If Obama gets in we will all have more to deal with then just his so called experience. Not that I totally agree with McCain but America needs a leader with military experience as we all have found out with Clinton and Osama

  12. I think it's brilliant! She's a dynamo!  

  13. Yeah, let's go there.  Obama has far more experience than she does, and it was McCain that picked her who is constantly bashing Obama for not having the experience, lol.

  14. should be interesting, now that the experience factor has been neutralized the democrats will have to try and win on policy, or their lack thereof. Obama will lose badly

  15. She has 20 times the exercutive experience then Obama! We are seeing a truly historical moment. When a Vice Presidential nominee has much more experience than the Presidential nominee of the other party! Truly shocking!

  16. Its ok, they forget there comparing a VP to there presidential candidate, what a bunch of idiots.

  17. Out of all the ignorance, misinformation and outright lies that have been told trying to malign Obama. Sit back, this has just begun for you. Wait until they actually begin on all the weakness of not only this choice, but McCain. All's fair. Don't forget that.

  18. Ha! So true!!

  19. Obama supporters are the ones who were chanting "change". Here's big change - a female governor for vp!  

  20. yes, please do *:)


  22. Why be against Obama?

    It's like that for every election thing, the opposing members and their supporters to against each other and stuff, it's all typical stuff.

  23. Yes.....we do.....from what I've seen....I have more experience than she does.....

  24. Then let's talk about integrity!

    Palin is under the scrutiny of an investigation by the Republican-controlled legislature into the possibility that she ordered the dismissal of Alaska's public safety commissioner because he would not fire her former brother-in-law as a state trooper.

    That's call abuse of power!

    Talk about Tram - Palin!

  25. -Where are your SOURCES?

    - If you vote for McCain,  you must have voted for much experience did he have?  He was messing up EDUCATION in TEXAS before he stole the election.  I live in TX..and I'm a teacher, I know personally.

    -Palin was chosen as a running mate to counter the advancements made by Obama and Clinton, and also to steal the ex-Hillary supporters who are bitter.  You cant figure that out? lol  McCainians

  26. Obamaites are among the most shallow simpletons on the face of the Earth.

  27. LOL I think its funny as h**l. The attacks have come on rather quickly, which tells me that the Obama supporters are scared to death.

  28. They are just mad cause his speech last night was a BIG FLOP

  29. actually its being hypocritical picking Palin since mccain campaign criticized obama's lack of experience

  30. McCain is 72 years old. People have been saying all along that who he picks as VP is important. He went and picked a lady who has ZERO foreign policy experience. She has been the governor of a state with a population less than the city I live in for less than 2 years.

    This wouldn't be such a big deal if McCain hadn't pulled out the experience argument every 2 seconds.

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