
Obama supporters please site one example where Obama has ever returned money back to tax payers. Palin Has.?

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10 Billion dollar earmark bridge to nowhere, she returned it, told the

congress if we need a bridge built, we will do it ourselves.




  1. Does income redistribution count?

  2. Which federal money should any candidate return ?

    the one owned by China, Saudi Arabia or Russia?

    It is admirable that she returned the money... but the truth is that the US federal budget is running such a high deficit that any money would go to paying off the debt.

    Unless the economy suddenly starts booming, there are only a few ways to pay off the debt and reduce the deficit:

    * cut more on spendings by dismantling federal programs

    * increase taxes or run a very high inflation

  3. Even G. Bush gave us back tax money twice. Palin is superior to Obama bin Biden in every way.

  4. Show me the Money Barack wouldn't return a dime if it were going to

    kill him. A devout socialist who lives by giving and giving and giving.

    Without Money the empty suit is just that EMPTY.

  5. She's a governor.  She was in a position to do that.  When has McCain returned any money?  

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