
Obama to disarm America if he becomes President in November?

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There's a video made by Obama and shown on YouTube on 10-22-07 which has been viewed by 3 million people so far in which he pledged to "cut tens of billions of dollars" in defense spending, "cut investments" in missile defense systems & "slow our development of future combat systems."

Do we want a president like him who will disarm America, to avoid protecting the American people? Go on and type in the search box, "Obama to cut defense spending?" and click on Search to watch the video made by him.




  1. Obama has no plans to bring the troops home. As he said in his acceptance speech, he will maintain a residual force in Iraw, and send more troops to Afghanistan and go to the cave where he obviously knows where Bin Laden is hiding. How he can do all this and cut billions out of the budget for defense is going to be interesting.

  2. He DOESN'T.

  3. He's gonna bring the service men home...gotta problem with that?  Even moron GWB agrees it's time.

    Iraq has made 70 billion dollars while the USA has lost 500 billion fighting this war.

    Are you people STUPID or what??

  4. Yes, you are wise to be wary of Senator Obama.  The clear choice for a strong America is Senator McCain.

  5. I have a question,why do you think we need to keep spending billions for weapon you don't plan on using? Or maybe you think we should use them and never get out of war??Do you realize many weapons of war are now obsolete but we are still spending billions to make them,while trying or BORROWING money to manufacture others more modern.I ask you were is the sense in this? You are going to sell them to other countries to be used on us in the future?How can you not understand that?Personally I think its the best plan out there,saves us billions a year and redirects that money in to engery,which if you heard what you thought you would of heard THAT TOO.

  6. yep. i have seen it, but he stands up at the convention and lies about how he is going to strengthen the military.  nothing more than another liberal lie.


    read this to finf dirt on obama

  8. Yea...yea...yea.   Give it a break little one, give it a break.

  9. SHUT UP! You guys just can't accept the fact that a BLACK man might become president. GET OVER IT!

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