
Obama tried for a year to get rid of a powerful opponent who is a women, only to have a more attractive ?

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and twice as dangerous women to come and haunt him when he thought his election was all wrapped up!

Sarah is going to get to the truth of many things which a lot prefer to keep in the dark?

As in Northern exposure?




  1. The truth is we are going to see totally scripted Sarah, at least for a while.

  2. Yeah she is what he deserves instant Karma, she will be the end of his stardom, she will find out the truth about the great Obama, !

    Like all the lies he told and got away more!

  3. Palin is not 0.00000000000000001 % the woman Hillary is .

  4. Sarah needs to get to the truth of her own record and her own statements first...she has kept numerous things in the dark about herself and her record.

  5. Obama is going to suffer estrogen overdose

    when the poll numbers start dropping, Michelle is going to jump his case too.

  6. They thought of Hillary,  then that gave them an idea,  an attractive but arrogant female who like power,   the  gimmick, " a woman",    to put together a strategic tactic, " a mother of 5 children,    so that they could continue to do their dirty work.  

    She is just being used to keep the REPUBLICANS IN POWER so that they can continue to profit and tear up and tear down the world.  

    All the Republicans want to do is to keep on PROFITEERING at any expense.

  7. it's going to be fun

  8. I LOVE Sarah Palin!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE  

  9. why do so many of you blame Obama for Hillary's loss? blame those who did not vote for her not the person who won. They teach how not to be a sore loser in kingergarten maybe all of you need a refresher course  

  10. Will I'm pretty sure Sarah isn't perfect but she seems to have good ideas and she is refreshing to listen to as was McCain when they talk about putting the country first.  I am totally bewildered how so many people can be in the Obama trance.  How can the people of this country put a Arab in the White House who wouldn't wear an American flag pin on his lapel and whos wife has never been proud of her country, even when her husband has been apointed to the US Senate!  A person whos pastor is a racist!  This man has not done anything for America but he will distroy it if he gets in!  Wake up America!  How cqan you take a chance on this guy!  The only thing he has gonig for him is that he is an eloquient speaker and has learned how to be charming!  No experience and nothing resembling what this country was found on!  He will make the US a socialist country and the values and principles that we were founded on will be old ideas of no value.  His change will be worse than all the hoopala that has been made over Bushes war!  His change will not be an improvement but the death of a great nation.

  11. just like she got all that money from supporting the bridge to nowhere before she was against it?

  12. He's runnin so hard 'cause Mitch gonna kick his **** if he loses

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