
Obama vows to work for breakthrough in Mideast peace efforts?

by  |  earlier

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So will I...AND I also vow to end world hunger, end global warming in under a week and provide free internet to homeless people. Vote for me! I'll promise you anything! Just like Bahama Obama Mama...

Do any of us actually believe these politicians any more? Do they think we're that stupid to believe that they'll be different than all the rest before them? Let's really bring about for me on November 4th.




  1. He is a rookie senator, without the experience or sense to replace a roll of toilet paper, much less solve world or American issues.

  2. vote for me in 2012 cause i missed the age requirement this year but a few mths.....they all lie and pander to whoever they are talking to promising things we all know the president has no power over....

  3. I actually would vote for you over any politician, there all liars and they don't give a toss about us little people.

    Who does Obama think he is anyway? he's not even president and he's already going over to Iraq thinking he can do whatever the h**l he wants.

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