
Obama vrs McCain...!!!!!!!!?

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After hearing part of McCain's life as a prisoner of war....Obama,should just fade away!

It's all about the best man...for the Job!

After all who wants the most powerful man

in the real life skills...McCain seems

like a man, who is well aware of ALL life can dish up.

'Why' are people wanting now to vote....just for a color change.

(yes that's a nice idea)...but not good enough for such power!




  1. About half of this country disagrees with you.

  2. Obama !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    Obama !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    Obama !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  3. obama is the man!!!

  4. Yes, you said a mouth full

    Obama is what would happen in 2099..when the world is ready to

    self destruct `P

  5. I was in deep support of John McCain, now I have doubts that John McCain wants the job!

  6. Mccain's biography on cnn was very impressive

    Obama's biography is anything but impressive, it's like they tried so hard to make him look desirable but it wasn't enough to make him look good, he's just an empty suit.

  7. McCain indeed did serve valiantly in Vietnam. Vietnam is now over and he is no longer a prisoner of war. Yes it did contribute to his experience and did so in the most traumatic way.

    McCain also wants to prolong our occupation of Iraq as long as possible.

    I won't be voting for McCain.

    Obama wants to end the war as soon as possible and I am all for that. BUT, he also wants to continue the agenda of reducing our second amendment rights and eventually outlaw private ownership of firearms.

    I will not be voting for Obama

    I will vote for a candidate who truly understands what it means to "uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foriegn and domestic".

  8. OBAMA 08'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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