
Obama vs mccain?

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does it really matter who wins

do u really think there is a difference




  1. obama, but no matter what, who ever wins, is goin to be in some sh*t, i would hate to play clean up after Bush, d**n!

  2. There is a HUGE difference...GO OBAMA!!!

  3. There is a huge difference and yes it matters. Your President can try to pass legislation. If he cannot find the middle road, then Congress will not pass any legislation. That has been an issue for the past 4 years especially. Also, there are potentially 3 Supreme Court Justice positions that could become vacant and the President will choose who to appoint. That is a huge deal. Find out who aligns with your beliefs and views, not just who you like better. Remember, you're not sitting down to a bbq with the guy. He's going to be deciding YOUR future.

    McCain wants to resolve the issue in Iraq to make it a more stable region instead of just pulling out right away. Obama wants to pull out because he doesn't think it is our problem to worry about. Thats one of the biggest issues but there are many others. Check out It's a non-partisan website that simply states where the candidates stand on various issues from health care to immigration to education, etc. Good luck, do some research and find out who you think should win. If you are old enough, vote, vote, vote!! :)

  4. There is no difference.

    Both support the patriot act

    Both support the real id act

    Both support staying in iraq, and funding the killing

    Both will devalue the dollar

  5. What difference is there between John Obama and Barack McCain?  Both of them want more government in all areas.  Both of them want a "New New Deal" that would create a depression worse than the one in the 1930s that was created by the Hoover-FDR New Deal disaster.  Both of them want more unnecessary wars that cause numerous unnecessary deaths and severe injuries.

    Too bad I'm not really all that impressed with any of the 3rd party candidates.  I liked Mary Ruwart, but Bob Barr had to hijack the Libertarian Party and distort libertarianism.  I liked Ron Paul, but he had to blow $35 million on forgettable ads that confused the voters (McCain won in New Hampshire on the back of the anti-war vote; if Ron Paul won there, he'd probably be the GOP nominee right now and he could have if Ron Paul had only made an ad like that great "High Tide" ad that ran in the late primary states) and then refuse to run as a 3rd party candidate even though he could have had the nominations of our 3rd and 4th largest parties (the Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party).

    The only thing we have to hope for now is that the laws of economics put a stop to McBama's big government programs before they cause too much harm.  Maybe McBama will wreck the country bad enough that the electorate will start caring and join the 1 or 2 million of us who still believe in freedom in 4 years.  If not, there's always the entertainment of watching how idiotic the electorate is.

  6. Frankly I really do feel sorry for both these guys. Neither one can say what they really believe or want to accomplish. The thought of becoming President of the United States is such a power full drug anyone who really has a chance of winning has to keep the rhetoric as bland and non committal as possible to attract as many votes as possible and to avoid being beaten up by the press which is more interested for the most part in a good slug fest rather than what is really best for this country and the rest of the world. I can only imagine how Ill both of these men must feel after tap dancing through all these interviews and policy speech's. There are a lot of sayings in Politics but here is one that I believe well applies to running for this office. Answer the question that you hoped was asked of you, not the one that you were asked. Hope I was able to help.   Bob

  7. Obama, by a landslide.

  8. yeah. McCain will stay in Iraq, give slightly more taxes to make up some for the defecit, but when it all over, he will be the typical republican.

    obama will add taxes to get out of debt and probably in doing so, raise the value of the american dollar, and lower gas prices an eincy bit, he wants to leave iraq, and it will be different.

    im kinda going for obama, i dont really have faith in the republican party any more after bush.... but that makes me sound bad.....

    i think mccain will get legislation passed faster, but it could also be a downsinde too. like he could pass bad things fast too.

    idk.... i would go for obama, but i cant even vote yet :P

  9. Obama!

  10. Definitely.

    Do you think we'd be in Iraq if Gore had won in 2000?

  11. Obama ftw

    of course it matters

    Mccain will take longer to pull the troops out.

    While i'm not saying it's a bad thing, i'm sure most people do not want their family in far away places any longer than they have to

  12. Obama is the bigger loser, although Geritol boy is right behind him.

  13. Obama will kill of America faster, thats about the only difference.

    With McCain we might have another election.

    With Obama, we wont even have the USA any more

  14. The difference is the politics behind the politician.

    People that go to Washington, some how become Jaded.

    And reallize that the problem is bigger than their hopes

    and dreams.

    Why do you think Gore has taken a break?

  15. They have a lot of the same GOALS, but their policies to achieving those goals do differ... I'm voting for Obama.
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