
Obama wants to send my tax dollars to Africa. What about the recession here in America?

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I can't afford to feed my American family, let the rest of the world take care of thier own.

Obama does not like America or the people who live here.




  1. Americans eat to much anyway, look how fat everyone here is. That money should be sent to people who need it in Africa.

  2. President is not an office with any real power. Even if he did wish to do something like that the oligarchy would prevent it.

  3. Isn't that awful......he's going to take all of our tax dollars and send it to Africa.

    He'll have to be really secretive because if anybody catches on with what he's doing he could really be in trouble.

    In the mean time he'll replace the tax dollars with Monopoly money so no one knows what he's doing.

    Come don't have to like him or vote for him.....but how the heck would he pull that off.....LOL

  4. Obama won't be elected, don't worry.

  5. You can obviously afford the internet and a computer. Some people are starving to death! Every first world country has an obligation to participate in world aid, and America, one of the richest countries in the world, has been historically stingy. America spends billions on space travel and war, why dont you lobby your government to redistribute that money, instead of trying to cheat the third world?

  6. That is a really narrow view of Senator Obama and the world and it is false. WHEN he becomes President Obama you will find your economic circumstances becoming better.

  7. He is a socialists and does not care about how taxes effect hard working people. We used to call these types tax and spend liberals. He’s one better. Now he is a world class citizen, and it shows he cares little about the USA or our troops in Iraq.

  8. That is nonsense and you know it. Spend some of the billions wasted in Iraq at home. If you don't show compassion on the world stage then don't expect any shown to your country when it needs it. We are part of the world society not in isolation. Perhaps the US doing more good than bad, would be a nice start to lessening terrorism threats etc. How much has Haliburton made out of the Iraq fiasco, spend 1% of that on social welfare increases and it would help more.

  9. Doesn't sound so bad compared to millions of dollars wasted in Katrina due to fraud and mismanagement or spending billions or may be trillions in Iraq without finding what we were looking for in the first place.  Bush probably paid like 300 bucks per toilet seats in Iraq to private contractors and worse. So Obama wants to help some poor third world country while Bush spent like crazy making private contractors filthy rich in Iraq and Obama is the bad guy now.

    Not to mention these things can improve our country's image abroad. Having so much damage to our image abroad last few years it doesn't hurt to show the world we're not some crazy 'war mongers' as they claim we are. You don't just go around squshing terrorists all the time. You make enough friends around the world and they'll have hard time recruiting people to attack US.

  10. From the link below:

    "The Bush administration's $15 billion to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa over the last five years has been one of the president's greatest foreign-policy triumphs, drawing praise from the international community and aid organizations, and Mr. Bush is seeking $30 billion more over the next five years."

    However, that pales to the $500 billion for the war in Iraq.

  11. he's not pres yet and the  recession a lot of people think is already here you are too late to blame him for that you better point you finger on who is in office now, and who is the reason you are'nt feeding your family now sure not mr obama

  12. Here's a recent newspaper story, that may show you that both sides of the aisle are interested in what is going on in Africa:

    Africa has been a particular interest for President Bush, and his aides pronounced themselves pleased by progress at the summit, particularly new initiatives to train health workers, address tropical disease and provide 100,000,000 mosquito nets to help prevent malaria. With U.S. prodding, the G-8 also released reports detailing progress -- or lack of it -- that African countries have made in meeting health and anti-corruption goals.

  13. Whats the difference? Bush is sending all our money to Iraq and every where else a5round the world, he figures f the little people I'm rich I dont give a d... about these losers I bet you didn't know that most of the oil coming from Valdeez is going to Japan and were sending natural gas to north korea. They were talking impeachment in comgress today but too bad its just talk.

  14. It was just reported that congress passed a bill for 48Billion in aid to Africa.  So don't blame Obama.  For those who think this is good, send your own money.  It is my right to decide where I will send my money that I wish for charity.  For those who wish to keep the money here for the poor in America, you too can donate your own money to whoever you want.  I get to choose where I send my own.  And for business that send a certain percent of their profits to one charity or another, if I do not wish to donate to that same charity, I don't do any business with you.  Anytime someone forces you to donate to charity it not charity its robbery, the same applies to governments.

  15. Such insular ideas as yours condemn America in the eyes of the world and can in fact only increase the contempt that has been growing for it!!

    It is not the humanity of helping others that is causing your hardship but the misguided and damaging policies of George W Bush that has caused massive national debt, sub prime debt, huge energy problems and the largest number of poor and destitute in the civilised world!!!

    Obama is the only one who stands a chance of reversing that.  If he does not get elected your problems will get much worse!!!

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