
Obama will meet with dictators, rogue nations, and our enemies?

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But he won't allow Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity to interview / debate him?

What does this tell you about Obama's strength against adversity and willingness to stand up for what he believes in?




  1. Because they are his supporters and allies!

  2. The truth of Bill and Sean scare him more than the lies of dictators.

  3. sort of like mccain backing out of Larry King last night?

  4. I already have all I need to know about Buttock Insane Obama.  He has no experience and he's a lying flip flop queen and most importantly he's a racist pig.  You forgot that he wants to start a war with Pakistan our ally.  I'm so glad he's lost this election.

    McCain IS our new president.

  5. It will most likely be a boring interveiw anyways.

    Q. What are going to do about health care?

    A. uh uh uh I uh will Uh make sure Uh it is changed.

    Q. What are you plans for taxes?

    A. Uh Ummm I will Umm uh change it.

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