
Obama won't put his hand over his heart and say the Pledge of Allegiance??!!?

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Watch this video. Obama just stands there with his hands at his side while the other Democrats have their hands over their hearts. What the h**l?? How does he think people will perceive that?

Has he since reversed himself?




  1. Up to the time of n**i Germany, the original salute to the American flag was a stiff-armed elbow with the fingertips pointing towards the flag.

    Ralph Nader attended a GM shareholders meeting and asked the Board of Directors if they would turn to the American flag on the stage and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. The capitalists declined and instructed security to disallow Nader to disrupt the meeting.

    So, nobody has reversed themselves. The pledge is not a religious test. If Obama had copied the Boy Scouts of America and used three fingers above his right eyebrow, would that make you guys happy?

  2. Nat.Anthem,but still,we know his true colors.

  3. the public schools don't do it or say it no more its not aloud

  4. WOW!  That video was enough said to me.

  5. Hey, numbskull, that was the National Anthem and not the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Further, according to the United States Flag Code, placing a hand over your heart is not the correct protocol when the National Anthem is played.

    Can’t you get at least the most basic facts correct?

  6. That was the National Anthem, and its not required that you put your hand over your heart for that one.

    Secondly, if you watch that very same video, you will see that Obama is singing along with the singer.  He is SINGING the National Anthem--the words mean something to him.  He just chose not to show it through hand gestures, but through singing.  He's just as patriotic as the rest of them, he just showed it in a different way.

    And Obama has LED the Pledge of Allegiance while in the Senate, placing his hand over his heart while he does it.  Obama has "reversed" nothing; he's been doing this all along.

  7. Well if my mind wasn't already made up, I would McCain would have had my vote.

  8. Liberalism is a mental disorder!

  9. You see?  Conservatives will not believe the truth, that Senator Obama was singing along with the National Anthem, and not reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.  Besides,   where is it written that you "must" put your hand over your heart during the Pledge in order to be patriotic?  There is just too much silliness in trying to find bashing stuff against a good American.  I love my country, but I am free to put my hands wherever, when reciting the pledge, so respect my freedom and don't tell me what to do!

  10. Old news.  Sometimes I don't put my hand over my heart when I go to football games.  I love this country.  These silly tactics you Republicans are still trying.  Come up a solution for the high gas price.

  11. bah!  liberal arseholes.  


    the cool thing about this country is that you have the choice to be a patriotic as you want.

  12. this is is because he hates America and those that serve our country through the armed forces......

  13. It's not proper for you to hold your hand over your heart for the national anthem.  But hey, let's say you conservatives are correct.  Let's say for instance, Obama is trying to ruin the country.  Why wouldn't he just appease everyone even if it went out of protocol and tried to con the country out over a petty matter like having your hand over your heart?

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