
Obama worshipers, do you think Sarah Palin's speech tonight will get higher ratings than your Messiah?

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Obama worshipers, do you think Sarah Palin's speech tonight will get higher ratings than your Messiah?




  1. Palin's own mother-in-law probably won't watch her.

  2. Yes, but it appears that Palin has become the Republican's Messiah and Holy See.

  3. I may even watch tonight.  I hate politics but its intriguing.  I like Palin...I even registered to vote now that she is on the ticket

    BTW...I was not a supporter of Hillary

  4. I doubt it. Over 4 million viewers that tuned into CNN during Obama's speech is a pretty large number to surpass. We shall see.

  5. I hope so. We don't really know much about her but what we do know is much better than the alternative.

    Sarah will shake thinks up in Washington and that is needed badly!

  6. probably not -- Barry spectacle last week was nauseating!

  7. You know they are all going to be watching.

  8. Has she figured out what a VP does yet?

  9. No, obviously your Messiah (Palin) can't even bring McCain back from the political dead.

  10. No, she will just be talking to the women who love Hillary and not the rest of the U.S.

    Just like when I put an earthworm on my fishing line, guess who is the earthworm in the above equation...?

    Obama 08


  12. I doubt that Palin will get half of the viewers that Obama got.  

  13. let us all pray she

  14. Most likely only because people don't need to see Obama speak to know that he will do an amazing job and he's done a good job already by standing firm on his platform and working through all the bull that he and his wife have had to endure already.  The only reason she'll get higher ratings is because no one knows who the h**l she is, and they want to know more about her since this will be one of the first official times she'll ever speak.  Also people like watching trainwrecks... much more interesting than just a train passing by...

  15. She will crucify there Messiah tonight!

    Great Question made me laugh!!!

    McCain-Palin-Diamond 08

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