
Obamas $250,000 tax plan is now reduced to $103,000, what gives here???

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At a Seniors meeting in Ohio last week Obama just reduced his once sacred TAX THE RICH more who make over $250,000 to tax the affluent with a new Social Security tax on incomes over $103,000. This will add thousands to those individuals tax bills.

Can one believe what this Obama tells us as this example proves he can indeed "change " on a moments notice.




  1. I heard it will be 70k/year before this is over.

  2. You can believe his message of change is real, all too real I am afraid.  His only true stance is the destruction of everything this great nation stands for and was built upon.  If this continues there will be blood in the streets in a few short years.  My advice, arm yourself before you can't.

  3. Barack Obama will give 80+% of American's a bigger tax cut then McCain would. He will only raises taxes on the top 1% of Americans who can easily afford a tax increase. Under Obama, the average cut will equal $1000 - $1290 annually. Under McCain, the average cut will equal $319 annually.

    Republicans continue to deny this and ignore it and say Obama's lying. Whose the real maverick of his party? Obama a Democrat who wants to lower taxes for the vast majority of Americans or McCain a Republican who admits global warming is real?

  4. Wait.. I thought his supporters like "change"

    Why did he get the nomination?

    A media with an agenda is a feast for the ignorant.

    God Help Us!

  5. He has to to pay for all of his CHANGE!!

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