
Obamas BON JOVI concert last night had 100 people show up and cost 31 thousand to get in?

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obama came on and made a speech saying, "I will NOT come in second in this presidential race"

But only 100 people showed up.

31 thousand dollars for the ticket!!

so he made 3.1 million dollars last night off 100 people.

I guess this is a way of getting around the "$2,300" dollar donation limit. talk about crooked!




  1. The war in Iraq has nothing to do with defending the US.You have been misled since day one ,you were lied to, WMD etc.Obama voted against the war.Now if the war did not take place thousands of lives would have been saved and you would not have been complaining how the war has affected you and your family,and the american tax payer would have been better off 1 trillion dollars better off.So take the blame to your current leaders and McCain is ready to stay forever in Iraq even when the hosts do not want us there.Think about it.Iraq never presented a threat to the US  Saddam was cornered at all times.

  2. yeah..100 people showed up IN BON JOVI'S BACK YARD. That is where it was held. IT wasn't supposed to be for 10,000 people, George Clooney Just Had one of these as well last week and raised about the same.

    And no one made these people give up there money they voluntarily donated their money to something they believe in, who are you to tell them how they can spend the money they earned?

    I'm not sure what your last Rant was about but I am 3rd Generation military and 3rd Generation Veteran of Wars for this Country. So get off your soap box and pull your head out of your a**s**s

  3. Liberals and creative financing (fleecing) seem to go hand-in-hand.

  4. Bon Jovi and his wife, Dorothea, hosted more than 100 people for dinner on their mansion lawn by the Navesink River in Middletown, N.J. The price was $30,800 a person, to be divided between the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

    well if you have the money...

    that is a lot of money to see bon jovi

    when his cd are only a few dollars

  5. $30,800 per person.

    I like how people take news excerpts and bend them however they want like "only 100 people" and he didn't say "I will not come in second.." that is similar to what he said...but it's not what he said...

  6. He als takes donations from lobbyist wives, change my a**. Sound like old washington politics to me. Palin will clean that BS up when she is VP

  7. yes, and this is the very very first time that something like this has ever happened

    except for all the times George Bush did it

  8. and liberals try to play it like the republicans are rich elitists. wake up white buckwheat supporters

  9. can i have you son deployed in iran for the next 10 years?

    okay then, can i have your other son deployed in north korea for a decade?

  10. Newsflash for you types who only watch FOX.................

    Obama TURNED DOWN FEDERAL preference of raising his OWNNNNNNNN cash.

    That means......he can raise as MUCH as he wants, from whoever wants to donate it.....and doesn't have to follow federal guidelines since he didn't accept Taxpayer McCain did..........because McCain has a snowball's chance in h*ll of raising the kind of money Obama can from POPULAR McCain took the sure thing.......

    YOUR TAX DOLLARS, to buy his balloons.

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