
Obamas energy plan????????

by  |  earlier

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I am all for alternative energy,

but if it's going to take more than 5 to 10 years to develop, what are we going to do NOW.

I would love to drive on fresh air & water but we don't have the technology to do that NOW.

If we drilled for oil 15 or so years ago, when It was first proposed, we would have had the infrastructure in place NOW.

So, what is Obamas energy plan for NOW............ how is it going to help me at the pump??????????????

PS. My tires are properly inflated.




  1. Regan killed a ready United States for tomorrow.

    Henry Ford had the Green energy self sufficient america plan the big oil company's killed.

    And How long ago was that?

  2. At the pump you would have to help yourself. The alternative energy technology is there , ready and awaiting for investments. The question is whether government/president is ready and whether they can fight the big oil companies that are doing all in their power to sabotage alt. energy implementation  plans -  by putting people like Bush or McCain in power, for example

  3. Nothing. We should have made the alternative energy infrastructure changes back in the early 80s, but Reagan killed them all. Nothing is going to fix things now. Drilling now would save you a few cents in 10 years. All you can do is consider buying a more efficient car and not driving except when necessary.

  4. He has a pipe dream that would cost us billions in taxes.

    Without any economic experience other than housing project failures, Obama's energy plan hinges on "new" energy sources which as you said, have yet to be developed, and is at this time not even a scientific possibility.

    Perhaps someday in the grand scheme of the future...which we cannot even guarantee we have as people or as a nation, there might be cold fusion...hydrogen cells...whathave you...but for now it is fantasy. We need to drill, and to make use of natural gas and coal, along with nuclear power. Oh and we need to do away with ethanol which drives up our food prices at a time when the rest of the "world" which the left claims to care so much about is in crisis with regards to food production. Obama's plan calls for more ethanol. I wonder if they realize we, by unavoidable necessity, will be using oil for the foreseeable future.

    Ah well...when will they understand that there is a reason we say there is a lack of experience in the Obama resume...?

  5. get over yourself!!at least he has a plan for our next generations to come thats just as important

  6. You answered your own question in you PS.

  7. I wonder where is every Obama supporter that like to TALK ISSUES, I like to hear their rendition of Obama energy plan for NOW.

    His plan is for far, far away future when he is long gone out of WH.......

    Undecided - Independent

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