
Obcessing!!!! Please Help! Thanks!?

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so...... I really Like Jonathan Taylor Thomas... and i know that it is ok to like someone... but i feel that i am obcessing over him.... and i want to still really like him........ but to a certain extaint!!!!!! i have tons of pictures and video clips of him.... and was thinking of deleting all of the Movie Clips.... any other ideas to stop obcessing over him... but i want to keep all of the pictures of him!

and mean people.... dont even bother answering this Q!!!

Thanks everyone.....





  1. Hi,

    I think it is perfectly fine to idolise someone. However, obsession would mean that it affects your life to a major extent..such as affecting your studies, upsetting your financial situation (spending a bomb on getting whatever you can on him or even borrowing from others), getting into conflicts with your loved ones because they think that you are obsessed, etc. If it doesn't affect your life in major ways, it is alright. Just monitor yourself so that you don't become extreme.

    If you think that you are really obsessed with him and it is affecting your life. You might want to set limits such as only allowing yourself to get pictures of him once a week, etc. Also, you might want to come up with alternative activities that are just as fun to distract yourself. This would help you to slowing wean off the obsession. You do not have to delete anything that you already have of him as deleting will only make you crave more..

    Hope this helps! Take care :)

  2. I know exactly how you feel I am obsessing over a guy named Jonathan too! I think about him 24/7, I talk about him 24/7,and any chance I get I stare at him. I guess it is perfectly natural for us to obsess over someone in our life so I'm not that concerned about myself. I have a bigger promblem my Jonathan has a girlfriend. :*(

  3. well... i think about him ALOT too lol

    but dont get rid of pix and vids if u still want to like him.... you MIGHT stop liking him then LoL! over time i think you (and i lol) will stop "obsessing". but, if u think u have  problem... i dont think u do im jst saying if u think u have a problem about thinking of him too much... dont watch h.i. every nite,, and maybe i guess delet ur pix and vids of him :(

    now i dont think its a big deal thinking about sum1 like that.... unless he distracts u frm skoolwork and other importanat things, u know?

    hope this helps! :)

    just make sure he duznt rule over ur whole life, and dont try to find out his address or anything like that LOL cuz then thats weird lol (i know u wudnt im juz saying LoL)

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