
Obese 10 year old-can public schools offer any help through special programs?

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My nephew is 10 and weighs 225 pounds. There is no help for him at home-parents have made him obese. He has an IEP for Asberger Syndrome at school. Can the 504 program or some other special program offer help to combat the situation? I believe it is critical and the need is being ignored at home. Is it child abuse to make a child obese?




  1. If a student has an IEP then he does not get 504, also. The IEP is much stronger, legally.

    Schools have no control over weight issues.

    Asperger students do not typically overeat as do Willie Prader students.

    Anyone can report abuse to the local social service department. Withholding medical services might be enough to claim abuse. You just need to call them.

  2. An IEP would include anything that could be included with a 504 plan.

    AnIEp doesn not include a 504 plan itself.

  3. Schools are not medical facilities and therefore can only address issues that are impacting a child's education. He is probably getting P.E. or adaptive P.E.  This will only give him minimal exercise and doesn't address diet, but it's all the school can provide. The school nurse can offer counseling regarding weight issues. But if the parents are not open to the advice or are too overwhelmed by raising a special needs child to have to address one more issue, then the school can do nothing more.

    I understand your concern. If you really want to help your nephew, you need to become a friendly ally to the family. Instead of going in, barrels blazing, with advice about diet and exercise and child abuse, take a different approach.

    Living with a child with this diagnosis is exhausting for parents. It's very challenging to get these kids away from intellectual pursuits, like reading, computers, etc. Offer to spend time with him by taking him for outings, overnights, and even weekends. When he's with you, do active, fun things and have only healthy snacks and foods available.

    Asperger's kids love rules and structure. It makes them feel secure and in control of their world. Teach him simple rules about how to keep his body healthy and strong. Be a good role model. Meanwhile, his parents will love you for giving them a respite. And you may develop a clearer understanding as to why they haven't been able to address his weight issue when you've had to walk in their shoes.

  4. well maybe he has medical problems that are causing the obesity, have you talked to the parents or are you just blaming them? Maybe they have tried everything possible, offer help try being a part of the solution not the problem. good luck I know it easy to blame parents but help them out they may not know any better. also nephew has to do his part.

  5. Many children on the autistic spectrum do overeat on their own accord.  I would encourage the parents to get the child involved into karate or other sport so that the child can get some age appopriate social interaction.   You can always give social services a call to see what they say.  It does seem dangerously overweight, but it may not be severe enough for them to intervene. Sorry.  I'd would be worried, too!

  6. An  IEP and 504 plan are used only to help a child progress in their educational needs.

    A 504 plan  does not address obesity UNLESS it is interferring with their education.

    Such as, if a child is so obese that they have to have a wheelchair,  a child can have a 504 plan to insure the child can get to their classes alright and function in their daily activities at school

    (as long as the activities are for educational purposes, such as getting to their class)

    But 504 is not used to help a child lose weight.

    IEP is done to help a child who is having learning problems to progress academically, but it does not address obesity.

    If a child has and IEP plan he also has a 504 plan, so the things I wrote above about 504 plan also applies to IEP plan.

  7. Student's with IEPs do not have 504 plans, it would be redundant. The school cannot communicate with you at all unless they have a release to do so from the parents.

    You are going to have to engage the parents. Share your concerns, ask if there is anything you can do to help? Let them know you love and care about them and your nephew.

    He should have a case manager who might be an excellent resource. I am a school social worker and I have addressed this issue with students before. Ideally school is about academic, social and emotional growth. Social growth is really a key issue with our AI students and being overweight can make this even more difficult.

    Good luck.

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