
Obese Lady Being Made FUN OF?

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I watched a undercover news report of an obese lady sitting on a bench eating donuts. People of all walks of life came up to her, and told her she's fat, ugly, shouldn't be eating at all, and worse--even a group of guys harrassed her. She was an actress, and just wanted to try this out so to speak to see how fat people are treated.

What do you think, and personally would you be one of those people making fun of her whether openly, secretively, or not at all????

If you saw someone making fun of her, what would you do? Join in the "fun", watch, or defend her???




  1. I used to weigh 100 pounds more than I do now...and not once did anyone make fun of me, harass me or in any way treat me badly because of what was this person doing to 'bait' people, since she was an actress?

  2. Did she sing?

  3. I think people should just mind their own d**n bussiness.  Why do you care so much if somebody weighs more than you? It's nothing. It's not even a big deal.  Why would you waste your breath just to say something cruel and bitter?

    The world has gone mad.

  4. I would defend her

  5. not necessarily defending her, but comforting her. ^_^

  6. I don't think i would defend her or make fun of her. I would just walk by and not say anything. I don't know her so why should i make fun of her? I don't know her so why should i defend her? People are obese because they CHOOSE to overeat. It is their fault for looking that way so people "think" it's okay to make fun of fat people. But, it's not because it is mean and they don't deserve that.

  7. Watch and maybe say something, they are fat and shouldn't be gorging themselves on unhealthy foods and they should know it.

    America will solve it's health-care problem when people start caring about their health.

  8. I saw that. It wasn't "all walks of life." It was 3 young actresses who were instructed to make fun of the lady. The people passing by were observed to see what they would do. I would have kept on walking. The fat lady is an adult and can take care of herself. To "defend" someone you don't know is to patronize them and treat them like a child. The only obligation the passers by had was to not partake in the ridicule themselves. I was mocked by bullies in high school so I know what it feels like.

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