
Obgyn said I'm "measuring big"?

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I'm 7 months and have gained about 8-9 lbs. so far in my pregnancy. But yesterday (and last month) when I went to my obgyn, she measured my stomach (the height of my uterus, I'm guessing?) and said "You're measuring a little big, but the heartbeat sounds great". So if everything else is okay, then why am I measuring big? Does that mean that I am going to have a big baby? Or that I'm further along than I think (which I don't think is possible, because I am pretty sure about the last date of my last period). I'm just wondering if your obgyn has ever told you that and if so, did your baby come early, or did you have a big baby?




  1. you could be a week farther than what yall thought or you could just have a lot of amniotic fluid which will cause you to measure big. If yor ob seen a problem, they will know what to do, but if they didnt say it was a problem, i wouldnt worry.

  2. It's possible to be measuring bigger or smaller than your EDD. But this stuff isn't an exact science. Some babies are bigger and some are smaller, as long as your baby is healthy i wouldn't worry!

    My OB told me I was measuring bigger, each ultrasound said my son was bigger than he should be at that "age". At my last ultrasound they estimated his birth weight to be over 9lbs if I delivered on my due date. They induced me 3 days after my due date because he was "measuring big" and he was only 8lbs at birth.

    And a friend of mine was told her baby was already 8lbs when she was 36 weeks pg, but when her son was born he was only 6lbs!!!

    Don't worry. They can't tell for SURE. Good luck!

  3. I've been measuring "big" almost my whole pregnancy.  (At least 2-3 weeks ahead for the last 15 weeks!)  Dr. says that is ok, and my due date remains the same.  According to U/S measurements, he's only measuring 1 week ahead and about 7lbs (I'm 35 weeks today).  Some women just carry bigger, but it certainly doesn't mean you'll be early or have a monster baby!  

  4. My son consistently "measured big" by about 2 to 3 weeks.  He was born 9 1/2 lbs and was 22.5 inches long.  

    The doctor said it could mean a big baby, or it could mean nothing because there is a margin of error when they measure your uterus with a tape measure.


  6. Yes it happens all the time. All babies are different sizes and it also depends on how much fluid your carrying. With my 2nd they said i was measuring 3 cm bigger than i should and if it continued to grow would maybe need a section. I went into labor myself and baby was born and she was only 49cm and 7lbs6oz. It was just because i had alot of fluid. Let your midwife or docs know if you are worried about anything x

  7. I was just told I was measuring big and I'm 34 weeks pregnant. They said it was the amniotic fluid and it's perfectly fine. So perhaps it is just that you have a lot of amniotic fluid as well. All baby's are going to measure differently after the first trimester..there is no normal!

    With my first son I was low on amniotic fluid and I wasn't measuring big ever and he was 8lb8oz when he was born and they said that is a big baby..i don't think 8.8 is big though, he came out easily so even if you have a big baby it doesn't mean that you won't be able to push him's all about the baby's head size and your pelvis size.

  8. It could be a number of things- amniotic fluid, actually further along, bigger baby...but if the doctor didn't mention anything about it besides you're measuring big I wouldn't worry about it. I went in at 36 weeks and was measuring 39, at 37 I was measuring 40 and by 38 weeks (on Tuesdsay) I was measuring 42!!! And here I am 38 1/2 weeks and no baby... but I am being induced on Tuesday (not because I'm measuring big though... heart problems... ) You'll be fine though :) Trust your doctors and ask questions!!

  9. If you are seven months along you need to gain some more weight.  You should gain 25-35lbs. by the end of your pregnancy.  Your baby could possibly by a long one.  

  10. I am measuring a week and a half ahead, but my baby is measuring right where he should be. See if you can get an ultrasound to see where your baby is measuring. The measurement of the baby is more accurate than the measurement of your uterus.

    Also, my daughter's playgroup leader measured 42 weeks at 33 weeks, and her daughter came at 38 weeks.

  11. Unless you have gestational diabetes, you should be fine!!  OBs are obsessed with weights and measurements.  All babies are different and yours in perfect, I promise!!  Best of luck to you!  

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