
Object of crating a beauty parlor,?

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I am taking mortagage loan for my own businees "beauty parlor & multi gym"

Bank wants to know the object, market, competition and some background of beauty parlor and multigym




  1. With due respect, the above answerer appears to be a foreigner to your land and therefore, appears to be less conversant with the business situations prevailing in India.

    All the above points raised by the bank are valid questions in an appraisal of your loan application. It won't be feasible or practical for any of us qualified professionals to make suggestions without looking into many other aspects and including your loan proposal, locational conditions, promoters/entrepreneurs background etc. Why don't you hire a suitable professional for guidance and advising you on these commercial-financial aspects? It would be a business prudence on your part.

  2. that's a bad business investment,even worse than starting a new restaurant,if I was your accountant I would strongly advise against it

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