
Objections parents might have about pet rats?

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I want to know this so that I can think of good reasonable answers for each, the person with the most creative idea(s) get's the best answer and 8 points!!!




  1. most of the things parents don't like aren't even true,

    they say:

    they smell-tell them that the only time it stinks is when the cage needs cleaned out

    the tails are gross-tell them that they don't have to see the rat

    they are disease ridden-tell them as long as they aren't wild they don't have diseases

    they bite-they don't bite unless they are scared or frightened and they are like minnie dogs! mom, did you know that they can learn their names and they come when you call!

    they p**p too much-they can be litter trained!

    they are too expensive- they actually aren't! you have to buy food like every 2 weeks(food, 6-7 $) and the same thing for bedding. the only expensive thing is the cage and you only have to buy 1 cage!

    if i think of anything else i'll tell you!

    if you have any more rat questions pls ask me!\

    good luck! ☺♥♥☺

  2. Rats often smell funny and make your room smell. If they get loose, they could scare your Aunt Millie to death. If you let them run around they may chew through important wires. They require a lot of upkeep - cage cleaning, food, water, and most of all attention. They need to be played with, so you can't just let them be alone. Also like any animal they are likely to require vet care at some point, which can be expensive. You just need to prove to your parents that you are responsible and you're not going to forgot to take care of the rats or get bored of having them. Also, if you have a way to make some money, you can tell them that you will help with the cost of buying and keeping your rats.

  3. Well here are some things about them:


    -They Poo ALOT

    -They smell

    -Their cages need ot be cleanes twice a week

    -They eat their babies

    -Everything for them is very expensive

    -Rats do not live long at all


    -They make good companions

    -They are intelligent iwch means you can train them

    -They are very friendly

    -You can buy things to trian them with

    -They have a wide toy,cage and food selection


  4. They smell. Terrible. If you don't keep the cage scrupulously clean. The multiply like, well, rats.  

  5. Rats are very easy pets. The only thing negative about them is that they p**p alot so you have to clean the container often.

    They are very fun and cute and smart and fascinating!

    Good luck!

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