
Obnoxious, ungrates???

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is it only me or can other people realize how selfish, self-centered, egotistical, racist, whiney, bratty, lack of i.q., et al, the williams sisters are? venus has improved her mannerisms somewhat over the years, but serena is a way way whole different story...

i always give kudos to the best player of the match...or the lucky one....the winner... i have never in my close to 40 yrs of sports seen such condenscending, sorry, yadayada losers as the above mentioned. admit it if you lose, give credit to the better player of the day...i will stop rambling now, but even in jr. high tournaments that i recall...there was never the extent of the poor poor me.....




  1. THANK YOU! haha i have been saying the same thing for years. the williams sisters are just plain annoying and obnoxious. again, venus is the better of the two by far but serena is practically unbearable. i honestly can't stand to watch her anymore. i guess i'm one of those odd americans who never really liked her in the first place, lost complete respect for her when she started focusing on other things outside of tennis and hated her when she came back and got more serious about tennis. i really can't judge venus because i've always liked her better than serena but serena is the biggest brat at the top of the tour (other than safina..she brings the word brat to a new level). anyways i completely agree with you and thank you for asking this question! :]

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