
Obortion question? Mans perseptive.?

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Right, I know this may sound obsurd, but think about it, obortions in my opinion are okay, people should have freedom to do what they want. But................ could someone who is very pro-obortion argue that masterbation is a male form of obortion...... every s***n disposed of is a life that could have been, a potential child.




  1. Lol masturbating abortion? Thats ridiculous.

    No matter how many times a guy masturbates, he is still able to have s*x and get a girl pregnant!

  2. First of all it's Abortion with an 'A'. And secondly, what you just described is what catholics have believed for centuries.

  3. An abortion is when a woman  has a fertilised egg and potential baby expelled from her womb.  Sperm on its own is not a potential baby as it has not fertilised an egg.  So how on earth can masturbation be an abortion.  That is like saying that every time a woman has her menstrual cycle she is having an abortion.  

    You need to read up on some biological facts before posting such stupid questions.

    Plus if you can't spell, use the spell-checker!!!

  4. If you haven't learned how to spell ABORTION yet, you shouldn't be in a position to have to worry about it!

  5. Abortion is nothing like masturbation. Abortion is voluntarily killing a baby that has been conceived.  In the sperm, there is no life until it meets with a fertilized egg.

  6. Never heard of that, buts its another theory.

  7. i think abortion is a good thing but whats even better is condoms

  8. Abortion.  And absurd.  

    Some people actually do view masturbation in that way.

  9. to each is own, i spank off al the time, the next time i do, you are invited to 5 billion little frunerals. but to answer the question. no its not abortion. since the sperm all die (but one)eventulay in like 10 mins or is too short to be so technical.

  10. That's ridiculous. men produce more and more sperm all the time. It's not as if all his sperm would ever be used anyway LOL

    Men actually have a physical need to release sperm and they cannot help it. Sperm builds up and builds up until there is no space left and then the man has a physical need to ejaculate some of it to make room for more.

    If what you say were true then a woman having a mentrual cycle could be considered abortion as well. As if every egg her body drops should be fertilized or it's abortion. That's absurd. A woman cannot control the fact that she drops an egg every month whether it will be fertilized or not and a man cannot control the fact that their body needs to routinely release sperm.

  11. You could, but if you make that argument then you would also have to say that a woman's monthly cycle is a form of abortion, which I'm sure that you would agree is ridiculous.

    When a woman gets her period, it is after ovulating. She is "disposing" of an ovum (along with the endometrium). Not only that, but unlike men who produce new sperm throughout their life times, women are born with all the ova they will ever have.

    Surely you wouldn't accuse a woman of killing a potential life because she had her periods, so it's rather silly to accuse a man of aborting a life when he m*********s.

  12. Well, that is why some religions are against masturbation. That s***n could have been used to create a baby.

    Spell check for the win.

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