
Obrigado?/Obligado? Its a Spanish Poker Dice Game-How do you play it?

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I played it years ago with a spanish couple and it was a great game but i can't remember how to play it or the rules but would love to know so i can play it with my kids. Can anyone help me please?

Many Thanks




  1. Obrigado is not a spanish word is a POrtuguese one.

    I don't know the game.

    ah, in spanish Obrigado means Gracias ( Thank You)

  2. I think you may be thinking about "Poker de dados". When you say this quickly, it probably sounds like "Obrigado" which is actually "thank-you" in Portuguese.

    Basically you throw the dice and if you like what you've thrown (i.e. you have a good "hand"), you note down the score and pass the die on to the next player.

    The die are classified in number order with 1 being the "best" i.e. 1-6-5-4-3-2

    The values of throws are (in descending order):

    1. poker real (cinco iguales)  (5 of the same)

    2. poker cuádruple (cuatro iguales)  (4 of the same)

    3. full (tres iguales y un par) (three of the same and a pair)

    4. escalera mayor 2-3-4-5-6 (ascending stair)

    5. escalera menor 1-2-3-4-5 (descending stair)

    6. piernas (triples) (triple)

    7. pares dobles  (double pairs)

    8. pares. (pairs)

    I hope this helps. I copied it off a Spanish dice game website and translated it for you.

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