
Obsessed with someone you can't have?

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How do you cope when you are crazy in love with someone you can't have or who doesn't want you? This is like the worst feeling in the world... what should I do?




  1. I totally know how you feel. Time is the best way to get over it. But other ways I coped is that I think about their personalities which would clash would mine and in the future it won't work out. I would stop thinking about them or ignore or cut off any associations about that person, for example a movie, song, or what they wore or what kind of car they drive. I would also try to focus on someone else. It will be hard but maybe saying something to them and letting them reject you might make you have closure. Hope you hang in there.  

  2. I've been where you are, twice. Its awful. Its hard to see it now but in time it will slowly fade. If you cant have them then its something youre just going to have to come to terms with. Try to find something else to occupy your mind with, I know this sounds weird but find a movie star to be obsessed with. For some reason being obsessed with them and knowing you cannot have them either is never as bad as with someone you know in person.  

  3. This seems weird but a lot of times it seems that people love what they cant have, trust me when you get the one thing you won’t love it as much.

    Just try to focus on the things you do have and love.

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