
Obsessed with swimming, please help?

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I have a really strange obsession with swimming. I constantly think about the water and normally swim between 5-7 hours everyday. This is not 5-7 hours straight, just on and off. For example I will swim for an hour, then get out, then go swim again an hour later. I can do this because I work from home, have a pool in my backyard and am not married, nor do I have any kids. I don't know why I am so obsessed with swimming doesn't matter what kind of water I'm in, whether it's the ocean or a pool. I really need help though, this obsession is controling my life. I am not focusing on my work and find myself both craving mentally and physically to be in the water. And once I'm in the water, I will stay in for a long time and not want to go out. Please help, I do not know what to do. I am considering seeing a doctor but am a little embarrassed. Thank you for reading this, all answers are welcome.




  1. A lot of people would love to have your circumstances and get into the water more than they do. You are fortunate.

    If you could find a local water-polo team or some sport to try such as a water "professional" it would be good for you.

  2. I suggest you go out more, and instead of going swimming that much, hang out with friends. I'm not saying it's not okay to go in the water, just don't let it control you. Maybe, if it's THAT hard, lock your back door for  a while so it'll be impossible to go out.

  3. ever thought of competing?

    maybe get in the water for a professional reason, scuba diver or trainer, underwater filming, etc...

  4. It sounds like you are experiencing something known as a "casual addiction". Any activity that interferes with your ability to lead your life is negative, even a positive recreation such as swimming. Don't let swimming escalate into your life priority. Try "buying" out your swimming times. For instance, for every 6 or 7 hours of work you do, allow yourself 2 hours in the pool. Stick by this, and encourage yourself to work harder and take care of the things you need to, and use the swimming as a reward for being productive and leading your everyday life as you normally should. Don't let the other aspects of your life suffer. Charting out the times you swim may help as well. You may be shocked to learn the full extent of the time you are swimming in one month, or perhaps just a week. Highlight any noticeable patterns of behavior, as this will help you notice if there is any particular time, or triggers that set you to feel the desire to swim, and help you come to terms with the reason why this is occurring. Finally, making plans with friends, and keeping yourself busy by going out places where you cannot possibly go swimming will help to break the habit of spending so much time in the water.

  5. Maybe you're really a fish....

  6. Ohh!!NO biggie. Start competing with Masters. You'l Like it. And...Umm....This is creepy. Get rid of ur ppol

  7. who cares, better than other obsessions you could have. At least this obsession is healthy. My friends and I usually spend 5 or six hours a day in the pool, that's not that wierd.

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