
Obsessive eating disorder?

by  |  earlier

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is there even such a thing? i think i have it. im almost 15 and about 5'3 and 92 pounds but i have a fast metabolism! i have a gluten allergy so i cant eat like any wheat products but i PIG out on everything else because i never feel full without the carbs. like for instance i had 15 gluten free cookies today! HELP ME!




  1. Carbs are really no good at all for getting rid of hunger, because when you eat them, your blood sugar shoots up, and you feel fairly full, then half an hour or an hour later, you get the crash, when your blood sugar drops again.

    You should be eating snacks that are not so high in carbs, or at least the carbs they contain are not "empty". Fruit of any kind, nuts, maybe some carrot and celery sticks with some houmous or other gluten free dip to go with them, tropical/trail mix, bombay mix (the curly things in there are made from chickpeas/garbanzo beans - gluten free)...

    Anyway, you are a bit underweight for your height, so that is probably another reason why you feel hungry all the time. You're just not eating enough.

  2. Pig out on healthy things, like veggies and proteins and grains.  You're body isn't getting enough healthy food and it thinks it's still hungry, because those cookies have no nutrients, or not enough.  You cravings will go away.

  3. awww! it looks like you have figured it out for yourself!  you are missing the carbs and u always feel hungry :(  find substitutions-- foods that are filling without the gluten?? but u sound right as far as wieght goes... so what are u worried about? the pigging out? GIRL! i wish i had your problem!! LOL

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