I studied in Sapporo when I was 18 for about a month. On the second to last day I was brought to a police box for shoplifting. In reality, I didn't know you had to pay on every floor of the department store. I had more than enough money on me including credit cards to pay for the goods. I wasn't actually shoplifting nor did I intend to.
The store owner didn't charge me as I was a minor and I didn't know the rules and also invited me back to the department store to buy the goods. The police called my host mother (who laughed about it) and they copied my passport.
They didn't make me leave japan, and I'm pretty sure I don't have a criminal record but I'm not sure. I returned the following year to visit and I said that I hadn't committed a crime on the form while entering Japan. I got through just fine.
But both times didn't require a Visa, and now that I am going to be studying abroad for the full year. The visa form asks if I had committed a crime, what should I say? Do I have one?