
Obvious fraud claims from Africa....?

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I keep getting e-mails asking for help in securing funds from an over seas source. Usually Africa. All I have to do is send them the money to pay the insurance on the bond they are wanting to send to the bank in America.

My question is: Is there a fraud alert site to forward these messeges to? The deal sound outlandish to me but I am sure that someone out there has sent money to these people.




  1. I got like 10 people getting me bored with their stories about transfering their money to my account and then giving me some 50 or less %.And yes,they were all from Africa.And they just add me-msn,yahoo,doesnt matter,just to talk to me and to ask me(even beg) to help them.

  2. Nigeria is SCAM capital of the WORLD....I delete any and everything that comes from there or even talks about it

    Locally they just busted a woman who was helping these Nigerians scam her possession was over 2 billion dollars in fake money orders..

  3. Not effectively.  You can forward them to your isp as TOS violations, but you can't keep fraudulent things from happening in other countries.  There is no "world oversight committee" that focuses on the six billion spams that go out every day on the internet.  The UN doesn't care, and Interpol doesn't do this kinda thing.

  4. Hi Carey,

    I do believe that most police forces maintain and swap records on this.

    In the UK there is a special web page on the metropolitan police fraud squad website.

    'Phone your local police headquarters and ask them who is responsible for logging these frauds.

    Incidentally, there are many such schemes going around the internet, not just from West Africa. The one common denominator is that you will be requested to "loan" or "deposit" funds to cover "legal fees, insurance, customs duty" and a whole host of other "costs". Please be certain that, once you have parted with your cash, you will never hear from them again, nor will you ever see your cash again.

    Be warned everyone.

    Blessed be.

    Karma Singh

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