
Obviously I've offended someone...?

by  |  earlier

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I posted a question in another catagory that no one answered. So I then posted a link to that question asking for advive but I guess it offened people because it was removed. Sorry if you think I was "trolling"

This was the question...

I was always a stomach sleeper before I had a baby 6 months ago. I'll go to sleep on my back but wake in pain on my stomach. My lower back and hips lock up and I can't move. It takes everything I've got to roll over. Then for the rest of the day my back is in horrible pain. It makes no sense to me why my back would and hips would hurt from laying on my stomach. I'm figuring this has something to do with the pregnancy but I'm not for sure. What can I do to help keep this from happening? (I do excrise) Should I see a ciropractor? I miss sleeping on my tummy...

So, if someone could please help me out I'd apperciate it. Thanks




  1. The same thing happened to me after I had my second baby.  Go to a chiropractor that will send you to a physical therapist.  I go to a chiropractor 2 times a month now and have exercises for my back from the physical therapist.

  2. I too am a tummy sleeper and this was hard when I was pregnant...Get some of those long soft body pillows. They saved me!

  3. Get a new bed!

  4. my daughter just turned 6 months also and i had to just lay on my stomach a little at a time during the day watching tv.  and the excrise is good for you but not to much on the back every thing takes a little longer to heel on some people after haveing a baby

  5. The same thing happened to me, I went to the chiropractor twice and now I have no pain. It's worth a try!

  6. Tell your ob.  Maybe the exercises you do are too strenuous. I could not imagine how this question could offend someone,lol.

  7. ouch.. new bed it is


  8. I suggest seeing a chiropractor. Pregnancy does some weird things to your body, some that never go away (my ribs "crack" near my breastbone).

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