
Occupational stressors and coping strategies of special education teacher in the philippines?

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Occupational stressors and coping strategies of special education teacher in the philippines?




  1. stressors:

    1. mixed or multi-level classroom

    2. big class size means lots of IEPs

    3. if inclusion, working with the gen. ed teacher

    4. demanding and unrealistic parents

    5. salary...hehe, if not commensurate with tasks

    6. managing/working with SPED team such as allied medical professionals and teacher assistants/aides

    7. demanding principal or teacher-mentor

    8. imposing school administration

    coping strategies:

    1. more training

    2. sharing thoughts and feelings with co-teachers

    3. if given more pay... any degree of difficulty with work can be handled well      =)

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