
Ocd about cutting...

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Is it possible to have ocd when it comes to self-harm. There are days when cutting is the only thing I think about and I get anxious and jittery until I'm finally able to do it. Then I calm down and feel a little better. So is it possible? I haven't ready a lot about ocd and I've been thinking about it.

And if anyone is thinking about giving a lecture please dont. I'm in therapy and on medication, so I am trying to get help and stop. Either way whoever can give me an answer it would be great.Thanks.




  1. I think it's more of an addiction than OCD.

    Me and a friend of mine were talking yesterday about the definition of "addicition" she said it was when your body physically relies on it.

    I think with cutting it can get there. The endorphins or whatever they're called.

    I think the anxiety is normal.

    Only 20 minutes ago I felt the need to cut but I couldn't find my "equipment" so I was running round the room desperately searching, it was all I could think about.

    Anyway yeah I think it's an addiction rather than OCD.

    Either way, Good Luck!

  2. Its really unlikly that you could become OCD about cutting. The reason your getting jittery is because cutting is a way to have an emotional release and deal with whats going on. When you really want to cut your probably feeling overwhelmed and emotional. Its somemthing you might want to talk to your therepist about. Dont worry though your not OCD and most people are able to deal with thier issues and the cutting. My best freind and my brothers gf were cutters and they are both doing very well now. One is in college and one is a nurse and continuing college. You will be ok as long as you keep working on yourself! Good Luck sweetie!  

  3. Wow, you're the first person I've found that actually has a similar ... thing as me.

    I'm the same way.

    My counselor says OCD plays a big part in some self-harmers. I've yet to try medication for it, though

  4. Chances are hun, that it is not OCD more of a "getting over the addiction thing".  Cutting is an addiction so these feelings are kind of like withdrawl symptoms.  The best thing you can do when you start to feel this way is to talk to someone... someone who can help calm your mind and remind you that you are working to get over the disorder.  I am very happy to hear that you are working to get over this... these first steps are the hardest and I know that this is going to be a rough journey for you... I wish you the best for your health and for your future.  ))HUG(( because it sounds like you need one.

  5. I think the reason you are feeling anxious about cutting is because that is your main defense mechanism.  You feel feelings all day long and when you can't cut, you don't know how to express or deal with those feelings and can't wait to cut.  You don't have OCD.  That's one less thing you have to worry about.  Good luck in your recovery.
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