
Ocd obsesive compulsive dissorder?

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i think i may have a slight case of ocd how will i tell my mum? she is a nurse. thanks.




  1. Tell her you feel you need to speak to someone and the reasons why. She is your mother and a nurse so she should have some knowledge of ocd and she cares about you

  2. Well, OCD isn't a Horrible sometimes... I have a slight case of it too, and I just went out and told my Mum, she was like... Interesting...

    It all depends on what you are Oc about.

    I think you should just tell her you think you have a slight case of it...

    Hope this helped!

  3. What are your symptoms? I mean, what are you doing to make you think this is the case?  

  4. It all depends on how you think your mom will react. If you think saying "Mom, I think I have OCD." will really upset her,then try going another route. Also, if she doesn't know what OCD is then you will have to explain it to her. Just make sure you do all the research you can about it before telling your mother.

  5. Im pretty sure if you had it your mother wouldve known by now what makes you compulsive?

  6. Nothing to be ashamed of, she probably already knows. Talk to her about it!

  7. many people with ocd live normal healthy lives. What makes you think you have it. I always want to wash my hands but that does not mean I have ocd. You would need a doctor to diagnose it. Just talk with your mom. Tell her your concerns. I am sure you have nothing to worry about.  

  8. Never self-diagnose!  Since you haven't given us any examples of what obsessions or compulsions you may be dealing with, all I can say is that if you're really concerned you ought to talk to a professional about it.

    Remember that these sorts of disorders are classified as such when they severely affect and interfere with your everyday life.  

  9. tell your mom she loves you and will help you understand more about your dissorder,judy

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