
October Surprise?? Did John McCain sink this low?

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Vladimir Putin today charged that the Bush Administration instigated the Georgia/Russia conflict to sway voters toward McCain.


"The suspicion would arise that someone in the United States created this conflict on purpose to stir up the situation and to create an advantage for one of the candidates in the competitive race for the presidency in the United States"

Mr Putin said in an interview with CNN

-today's front page New York Times.

I've heard reports that Karl Rove was over there, as was Condi prior to Georgia's initial attack on South Ossetia. Georgia also has the big oil pipeline serving British Petroleum (our pals in the oil biz) and to a lesser share, Lukoil (Russia). McCain is also deep in with Georgia politically. It's a serious allegation. What do you think? Is Putin telling the truth?




  1. Well ya gotta consider McCain DID broadcast propaganda for the North Vietnamese.  So this would not be his first act of treason.

  2. First, I'm impressed that someone actually pays attention to the real news!  This makes my day!

    Yes, it is possible, and I would argue probable.  A friend of mine who watched the Olympics frequently said that the Georgia situation was frequently discussed during the Games - and the media publicized the conflict as of Day 1 of the Games.  Coinkidink or what?  

    The US didn't get the pipelines and the resources in the Middle East as quickly as they wanted, so it wouldn't surprise me they would make a last ditch effort to destabilize another region.

  3. It is a very interesting allegation, but, considering the posturing that is going on between the US and Russia, I'm not surprised to hear something like this. Do I think something like this is possible, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was true.

  4. post your links so we can read the whole story , not just a copy and paste.  

  5. You gotta trust them commies, it must be true.

    You know they want to make sure there is no funny business going on in our elections.

  6. Come on! Of course it is the truth. It is actually quite old news by now;-)....Another ploy to get McBush in the White House.

    God Speed

  7. WOW. And the Russian's have never lied before either. It's not like they want to make McCain look bad so they will have Jimmy Carter, I mean Obama to deal with instead, could it? That Obama's "PRESENT" is pretty intimidating  

  8. Stay the course if it takes a hundred years.

    "If they turn on the radars we're going to blow up their god d**n S.A.M. (surface-to-air missiles). They know we own their country. We own their airspace... We dictate the way they live and talk. And that's what's great about America right now. It's a good thing, especially when there's a lot of oil out there we need." U.S. Brig. General William Looney (Interview Washington Post, August 30, 1999)

    As for the Link - read on - its history, and then the Isreali Connection

  9. That is rubbish

  10. Putin is telling the truth, and the holocaust never happened.

    and Hitler was a gentle man..


  11. I don't know which side I believe less.

  12. No, but is just like Bush. "McCain is more of the same" - Obama campain sign. Vote 4 Obama

  13. Typical liberal playbook. Funny how the enemies of America work with the left in America against the Republicans who will stand up to them.  Get a clue liberals!

  14. Definitely.

  15. Conservatives like Pat Buchanan have been trying to warn us about this for months.... it's true...

    And it's all over the Washington Post as well, if anyone cares to read the truth anymore...

    Even Georgia has confirmed that their lobbyist is McCain's top aide...

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