
Od oyu lebeiev ni ogd?

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- or that the disorder dyslexia is really the politically correct term for someone who can't be bothered to learn to read - and what's that other term - OH yes, ADHD; again is this now the politically correct term for what one previously termed a person (especially a child - and even more so a boy) a little "so and so" ?

I think they should stick all this new fangled way of thinking and the 'lefty' do-gooders that preach it into a rocket and shoot them all to the sun - does anyone else agree?




  1. No. There is no dog.

  2. no not everyone.

  3. I'm not really sure but I am sure that more children are diagnosed with them than should be.

  4. dyslexia is not a laughing matter and ADHD is real ask any parent who's child has one or the other.

  5. yes I believe in god

  6. Do you suffer from these conditions yourself? It almost sounds like a very defensive over-reaction. There is a self test you can do to to see if you have dyslexic tendencies: if you have trouble saying the word 'dyslexic'--and I mean, each and every time--then the probability is quite high that you have aspects of this syndrome.

  7. i have  ( with difficulty i may add)   tried to understand

    your garbled question

    dyslexia =is a medically recognised condition,

    not even  vaguely related to A.D.H.L,!!

    which is also a medical condition

    How does  the "lefty  do gooders,..and /or ....

    political correctness.come into the picture

    how can you  equate  these illnesses , with what you are saying  

      are you implying , that these conditions do not exist

    or may be faked ?

    Do you know anything ,about ADHE or Dyslexia , i wonder


    to generalise on these conditions, from such a loose viewpoint ,

    is neither helpful or sensible .


  8. Of course I believe in God. And I also believe in these disorders. Dyslexia - isn't when someone doesn't take the time to read something..that's called pure laziness. It's actually when you read something and it isn't processed correctly from how you see it. Switching the letters around in a word.

    ADD/ADHD- is a behavioral simply involves with not being able to focus/pay attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity.

    It is 2007. The smarter doctors and scientists become the more dysfunctions/disorders will be able to be diagnosed and treated.

    Be greatful you're not one who has disorders/dysfunctions, you can have a wonderful life without being rediculed and criticized.

  9. i do believe in god

  10. Yes, I do believe in a 'God' of some sort.

  11. sey i od.

  12. I also believe in God and in the reality of learning disabilities like dyslexia.  I think in the past ADD/ADHD was used as an excuse for bad behavior but we are moving away from that. The reality is there are lots of kids out there that are not able to learn in the traditional classroom due to a variety of learning problems.  Whatever the cause, whether it be environmental or due to substance abuse by the parents during pregnancy...etc, there are kids in need of help.  That is why I work in special ed.  

    I am also not at all a "lefty do-gooder," being what I would describe as a right wing conservative Christian.

    *Okay, so now I need to shut down allowing messaging due to your opinionated, accusatory message.  You need to see a counselor or somebody! Does anybody else use messaging to send accusatory responses to honest answers given to your own question? Why did you bother using this forum for your hateful attitude? I will pray for you!!

  13. Yes I do believe in god but the quote on or that the disorder dyslexia is really the politically correct term for someone who can't be bothered to learn to read -

    This is unfair to say. Suffering with dyslexia myself I manage very well and I have never not been bothered about learning to read or write . I just have to read things very carefully sometimes. I love reading and the whole concept of learning. I think that people cannot help that their brain receives mixed messages on how they see things.

  14. Totally know where your coming from. Good luck...;)

  15. in answer to your first q: pone

    second q: THAT'S RIDICULOUS! it's not as though dyslexic people don't want to learn to READ!!!!?????? it's a disorder, and it has to do with the brain. You must be pretty ignorant about psychology! (no offense; i don't mean ignorant as in "dumb" but as in "haven't read much about it---or rather, couldn't be bothered to read about the workings of the brain")
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