
Odd Cat Behavior Help!

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Okay my daughter has this one year old male cat named Mil-oh. He is very attached to Calista. When ever she is around a guy that's not related to her Mil-oh will hiss and scratch at the boy. He is constantly by her, he doesn't like any male that isn't her relative. When Calista is talking on the phone Mil-oh will jump up onto her lap and pur loudly even if she isn't touching him. He will paw at the phone just so she will acknowledge him. He constantly is snuggling his head into her chest or even trying to snuggle his head in between her legs. Calista will call him a pervert and that causes Mil-oh to meow softly and pur louder. What's up with this cat, he doesn't like guys and he is constantly by Calista.




  1. That's weird I had a girl cat that did the same for me.  Hey!  Maybe cats gets jealous.

  2. I have no idea why he doesn't like males. It could be their smell. My Casper always cuddled and snuggled. He does exactly what you mentioned, When I pick him up he puts his paws on my shoulders and sometimes snuggles into my shoulder or licks my ear.

  3. Sounds like he loves her.  Snuggling, l*****g, tiny nips, etc are all signs of affection in cats.  My cat does them to me all the time.  Some cats are just more people-oriented than others and so are extra affectionate/demanding of attention.  It's not that unusual.  As for the guys, your cat may be jealous of the attention she gives the boys or he may just be suspicious of them and want to protect her from them.  I really wouldn't worry about any of this.  Put the cat in another room when she has young men come over or just accept that the cat is an extra chaperone. :-p

    If you're trying to insinuate that your cat is "in love" with your daughter, I'm kind of skeptical.  Animals don't really view contact with your crotch as sexual.  Its warm in her lap and he wants to snuggle against her.  I've had strange dogs and cats of various sexes do the same thing.  They're just being friendly.

  4. Did you get him neutered? ...

  5. Be grateful for this ............I had a dog that did that for me when I was a teen. Thank God
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